Next Friday is a public holiday in Lithuania. Please read and comment here:
This week we are learning how to talk about our future plans:
Šią savaitę mes mokomės kalbėti apie ateities planus
I AM GOIN TO (...learn Japanese / ...visit my parents/ ...go on a trip to India) -
--> It is planned, it is not a dream
Aš.............( mokysiuos japonų/ aplankysiu tėvus/ vyksiu į kelionę į Indiją) ----> tai suplanuota, ne svajonė
Page 100 in Student Books:
Page 101 in Student Books:
Remember new words and phrases:
the future [fju:če] - ateitis; in the future [in de fju:če] - ateityje; to make plans [meik ple:ns] - kurti planus, planuoti; Do you have plans for next holiday? - Ar turite planų sekančioms atostogoms? a lifetime [laiftaim] - visas gyvenimas; a dream of a lifetime - viso gyvenimo svajonė; a trip [trip] - kelionė iš taško A į tašką B; until next month [antil] - iki kito mėnesio; How far is the bus stop? [hau fa:] - Kaip toli, koks atstumas iki autobuso stotelės? a mechanic [mekea: nik] - automobilių remontininkas ; to repair [ripiea:] = to fix [fiks] - pataisyti; to break [breik] - sugesti, sulūžti, sulaužyti; broke [brouk] - sulūžęs, sugedęs; excited [iksaited] - džiaugsmingai susijaudinęs, laukiantis; take a bus [teik e bas] - įsėsti į autobusą; Take us to the station! [teik as] - Nuvežkite mus į stotį! What a pity! [uat e piti] - Kaip gaila!
It's a pity you can't stay until tomorrow - Gaila, kad negalite pasilikti iki rytojaus.
to go for a walk
in a fresh air - išeiti pasivaikščioti
į gryną orą (it is correct to say it in English. I'm sorry for mistaking you
(for mistaiking [misteiking] už suklaidinimą)
Do Workbook exercises (pages 54-55):
7A and
7B in
Words And Phrases on your Interactive CD
Write about your plans for your future trip. Fantasize, imagine[imedžin-įsivaizduokite] that you are going to go on a trip of your lifetime. Please
learn to say where you are going to go, when you are going to go and how are you going to go. How far is that? Are you going to take a lot of luggage? Who are you going to go with? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do during your stay? Are you excited about your dream trip?
In daily life people like to say GONNA [gana] :
going to go = I'm
gonna go - jau eisiu
He's going to fall - He's gonna fall - jis nukris
Your car is going to break= Your car's gonna break - tavo mašina tuoj sulūš