Yes, I am smiling because I saw you two too. I met you in a pool and later I met Arunas in a sauna. It was close to the closing time of 9 pm, we were among the last visitors.
I remember two years ago, about November, I went to the swimming pool on my bike. I left the bike locked ([lokt] - prirakintas) at the entrance for an hour. But when I came back after swimming, I found that my bike was broken ([brouken] - sulaužytas). There was a big crowd of men around me and one man told me that Pasvalys basketball team lost the game and three drunk fans broke my bike in despair. The police took them to the police station and the officers wanted me to come by (užeiti) and to file the complaint. I went to the police station and I agreed to forgive three basketball fans in exchange of a payment to repair my bike. Two days after I met one of the fans at the swimming pool and he gave me money.
entrance [entrans] - įėjimas; a
crowd [kraud] - būrys, minia;
drunk [drank] - pasigėręs;
in despair [in dispiea:] - iš nusivylimo; the
police station - policijos punktas;
to file the complaint - [fail de kompleint] užpildyti skundą; to forgive [forgiv] - atleisti; to repair [repiea:] - pataisyti
List of verbs:
were - to be
went - to go (nuėjo - nueiti)
left - to leave (paliko-palikti)
locked - to lock (prirakino - prirakinti)
found - to find (rado - rasti)
was - to be
told - to tell (pasakė - pasakyti)
lost - to loose [lu:z] (pralošė - pralošti)
broke - to break [brouk - breik] (sulaužė - sulaužyti)
took - to take (paėmė - paimti)
met - to meet (susitikau - susitikti)
gave - to give (padavė - duoti)