prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3457nuo Poplyn
Poplyn replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My story:
Three years ago I went to Finland. It was four days work trip. We travelled on the bus from Lithuania to Estonia, and on the ferry from Estonia to Finland. It was The first time I went and slept in (=on) the ferry. It was very interesting. I saw the dark water of Baltic sea at night. In Finland we visited many libraries, talked to our colleagues in English, had dinner in the restaurant and cafes. After that I came back to Lithuania
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate, Arunas
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3477nuo saulegraza
saulegraza replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My story;
My frend's family arrived to live in Demark about fife(five) years ago. There the were(=it was - buvo) very difficult because they didn't know the d(D)anish language. They worked heavy (=hard) and studied language. But they are doing very well now. I with my husband visited my friends. We travelled in the car from Lithuania to Latvia and on the ferry to Stokholm and (2--->from Stokholm about 800 km. )(1.we went to Kopehaga.) The trip on the ferry was fantastic.The trip will take(=took) about a week. We came back happy.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3481nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
Thank you , Saulegraza! It is a very nice story, I like it
to take - took [tuk] (užimti-užėmė) - irregular verb
Nationalities and languages always have first CAPITAL letters
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3507nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
Dear Friday students! Here's your homework for the twentieth of November.
Ask if you don't understand something. We check exercises in the class 1.
Learn new words: an ordinal number - kelintinis skaičius; a cardinal number [kardinal] - kiekinis skaičius; to be born [tiu bi: bo:/r/n] - būti gimusiam; a birthday - gimtadienis; birth [be/r/th] - gimimas; what's the date today? - kokia šios dienos data? the first of January - sausio pirma; on the first of January - sausio pirmąją; on the birthday - gimtadienio dieną; When's your birthday? - kada tavo gimtadienis? What do you do on your birthday? - ką veiki per savo gimtadienius? just a perfect day - tiesiog nuostabi (ideali) diena; a zoo [zu:] - zoologijos sodas; to be glad [glea:d] - būti patenkintam; to spend - spent- praleisti, praleido; later [leite] - vėliau to forget - forgot- [fo/r/get] pamiršti - pamiršo ; myself [maiself] - aš pats; to think-thought [think- tho:t] - galvoti - galvojo; a weekender [wi:kende] - savaitgaliautojas, išeiginiautojas; alone [eloun] - vienas (be kompanijos); on my own / on our own [on mai oun- on aue oun] - pats vienas-patys vieni ; to leave-left [li:v-left]- palikti-paliko; to hang on [heang on] - laikytis, tverti; to keep [ki:p] - palaikyti, laikyti, tęsti; to cross out [kros aut] - išbraukti; extra [ekstra] - papildomas; someone else [samoun elz] - kažkas dar, kažkas kitas
a lie [lai] -melas; to lie / lied [lai / laid] - meluoti / melavo; truth [truth] - tiesa (dažnai neskaičiuojamas, todėl be artikelio 'a' arba tik su 'the')
Learn ordinal numbers: ( the audio track 5.20 is in 'NEF Class CDs'-CD3)
Learn names of months ( the audio track 5.20 is in 'NEF Class CDs'-CD3)
Do pages 47 and 4842 and 43 in your Workbook :
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
Listen to the audio '20 Track 20' in 'NEF Workbook Audio CD' and repeat
Open your Interactive CD
-listen to the sound TH in Sound Bank - 'more consonants' (THumb - nykštys; moTHer - mama)
-do File 5 in 'Practical English' (watch videos and do the quiz)
-do 5A, 5B, 5C and 5 Practical English in 'Words and Phrases'
-do 'Ordinal Numbers' in Vocabulary Bank'
Listen to the song 'Just A Perfect Day' and cross out extra words on your photocopies
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
You're going to reap just what you sow - tu pjausi tik tai, ką pasėjai
Write a story about an imaginary or real famous person. Don't write his or her name! Make a list of past simple forms of verbs in your story. Learn to tell your story. Guess if other stories are true or lies imaginary [ime:džinari] - įsivaizduojamas; to make a list [meik e list] - sudaryti sąrašą; to guess [ges] - spėti; to become [bikam] - tapti; alive [elaiv] - gyvas; dead [ded] - miręs
How did this person live before he or she was famous? What country are they from? Where were they born? What city or town or village did they live in? Were they poor or rich? What did their mother and father do(dirbo) ? Why did they become famous? What did change in their lives? Did they leave their homes? Did they go to a foreign country? Did they become rich? Are they alive or dead now? Do they now have a big house and a lot of friends? Do they have a lot of money?
Verbs in past simple:
did /did/- to do - daryti
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3546nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My story - is it true or a lie?
She was born about ninety years ago in Lithuania. Her father was a railway worker and her family moved from one place to another because of his job. She was born in Mažeikiai, but went to school in Kaunas and later in Šilute. The family wasn't poor, she and her brother had everything they needed. During the Second World War the family moved to Germany and she studied at a German university. She met a Lithuanian guy from Pasvalys there. They fell in love and went to the USA together. They married and lived near Chicago. They had two children - a girl and a boy. He worked hard in mines and factories and she stayed at home with children. She and her husband missed Lithuania a lot and wrote books in Lithuanian. He wrote novels and stories and she wrote poems. Their son died when a child and later their daughter died too. They didn't have a lot of friends, they didn't go out a lot, she preferred to stay at home with her husband. But one day he died too. She lived all alone in their house near Chicago and wrote poems. When she was very old she got the Lithuanian Art and Literature Award for her poems. She never went back to Lithuania. She died and her grave is next to her husband's grave, near their house in the USA.
a railway worker /reilwei wo/r/ke/ - geležinkelio darbuotojas . Lithuanian Art and Literature Award /lithueinian a:t end letriče o:wa/r/d / - Lietuvos meno ir literatūros premija; a grave /greiv/ - kapas
List of verbs in past simple:
was /wo:z/ to be (irregular)
moved /muvd/ to move - kraustytis, kilnotis (regular)
went [went/ - to go (irregular)
had /hea:d/ - to have (irregular)
needed /ni:did/ - to need - reikėti (regular)
studied /stadid/ - to study (regular)
met /met/ - to meet (irregular)
fell /fel/ in love - to fall /fo:l/ in love - įkristi į meilę = įsimylėti (iregular)
married /me: rid] - to marry - apsivesti (regular)
worked /workt/ - to work (regular)
stayed /steid/ - to stay - pasilikti (regular)
missed /mist/ - to miss - ilgėtis (regular)
wrote /wrout/ -to write (irregular)
died /daid/ - to die - mirti (regular)
preferred /prifio:/r/d] - to prefer (regular)
lived /livd/ - to live /liv/ - gyventi (regular)
got /got/ - to get - gauti, įgyti (irregular)
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3596nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My story:
He was born in Ignalina. He moved to Vilnius. He graduated in the history of pedagogy. A short time he worked as a teacher of history. He didn‘t like teacher's work. He devoted a lot of time to a sports club. He won third place in the two-time world bodybuilding championship. Now he is a great coach. His students have won awards in Europe. This man is an online health project manager. He wrote two books about the sport. He arrived with his wife in Pasvalys and conducted a seminar on healthy lifestyle. This man gives me the motivation to exercise and eat healthy. Who is this man?
List of verbs in past simple:
Was ; to be
Moved; to move
Graduated; to graduate
Worked; to work
Devoted; to devote
Won; to win
Wrote; to write
Arrived; to arrive
Conducted; to conduct
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Arunas.
Arunas replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
8th the eighth
2nd the second
9th the ninth
12th the twelfth
31st the thirty-first
20th the twentieth
3rd the third
5th the fifth
30th the thirtieth
22nd the twenty-second
sixth, seventh
tenth, eleventh
fourteenth, fifteenth
eighteenth, nineteenth
twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth
fifteenth, sixteenth
twentieth, twenty-first
twenty-second, twenty-third
22/9 the twenty-second of September
19/12 the nineteenth of December
11/3 the eleventh of March
4/6 the forth of June
5/1 the fift of Junuary
13/4 the thirteenth of April
21/7 the twenty-first of July
8/10 the eighth of October
3/2 the the third of February
31/5 the thirty-first of May
A. What's the date tomorrow?
B. The third of May.
A. When's your birthday?
B. The eighteenth of July.
A.What's the date today?
B. The twenty-sixth of April.
A. When's your boyfriend's birthday?
B. The twelfth of October.
A. What's the date on Monday?
B. The fifteenth of October.
A. What's the date on Saturday?
B. The twenty-first of November.
A. When's Valentine's Day?
B. The fourteenth February.
A. When's your mother's birthday?
B. The second of June.
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3631nuo Violeta
Violeta replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My story,
He was born about eighty years ago in Rokiškis. His parents were civil servants. In youth, he was a sport athlete. He graduated from high school of Kaišiadorys. Later he graduated from Kaunas Polytechnic Institute of an engineer specializing in hydrotechnical equipment. After that he became a doctor of economic science. He was married and had two daughters, twins. In 2002 he married again. He was one of the party leaders in Lithuania. He died five years ago and his grave is in Vilnius.
List of verbs in past simple:
Was/ to be,
were/ to be,
graduated/ graduate,
became/ become,
had/ have,
married/ marry,
died/ die.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3639nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
I think I know who your mystery person is. It is Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas. Am I right?
The Internet shows that people often use "I graduated college" or "I graduated high school" , but the correct English is to say "I graduated from (high school, university ...)"
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3673nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
It's revision time! Let's revise what we learnt in past weeks. Our next week's meeting is on the 26th of November, on Thursday, from 4 pm to 6 pm. Bring your memory sticks to download the new learning course EXTRA (its size is about 8 GB, but you can download it in parts). We will study EXTRA once a month, on Thursdays. 1. Learn new words: to buy /bought [bo:t] - pirkti/nupirko ; to bring / brought [bro:t] - at(si)nešti/ at(si)nešė; a memory stick [memory stik] - atmintukas; to read /read [red] - skaityti/perskaitė; to stay/ stayed [steid] - pasiliko; a bed and breakfast - viešbutis nakčiai su pusryčiais; an experience [ikspi: rijans] - patirtis; alone - vienas, be kompanijos; on my own (on his own, on her own, on your on, on our own, on their own) - aš (jis, ji ir t.t...) pats vienas; once [ouns] - vieną kartą; later [leite] - vėliau; exactly [egzaktli] - tiksliai, tikrai taip; some [sam] - šiek tiek, dalis; all [o:l]- visas, visi; careful [kiea/r/ful] - atidus, atsargus; particular [parikjula] - tam tikras, konkretus; optional [opšnal] - pasirinktinas, neprivalonas 2.
Do the exercises on your photocopies. We check them in the class.
-One photocopy is page 52 from Student Book
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
-Next photocopy is the story about a thief and a policeman.
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
-The other photocopy is the exercises with at /on / in.
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
Open your interactive CD
-do File 5 in Grammar Quizzes. Did you get 20 points?
-Do Practical English 5 in Words and PhrasesIndependence Day - Nepriklausomybės diena
Read Exercise 2 on page 53 in Student Book.
Please, write what you did on a particular date in the past. Be ready to talk in the class
( ...What did you do last week? / What did you do on your last holiday? / What did you do on your last birthday? / What did you do last Christmas or last Easter or last New Year? What did you do during your last travel? /... and so on...)...
5. Optional (neprivaloma)
Listen to the interview about the man's last holiday. When do people say 'to','in' 'at' ?
Click to see the answer:
DĖMESIO: Spoileris!
[ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]
[ Spustelėkite, kad paslėpti ]
to (į) : I usually go to Spain, I went to France, We went to Toulon, ...then we went to her friend's flat... in (kur? ir kada?): in December, in winter... in the South of France... Did you stay in a hotel or a bed and breakfast? We didn't stay in a hotel.... in the center of Toulon at (kur?): We stayed at her parents' house
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3691nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
My birthday,
I was born in spring on the 27th April, in a small town Pasvalys.I have two sisters and a brother. In(=On) my birthday I got a present for(-from- iš?) my sister- a trip to Stokholm.
From Pasvalys to Ryga we went by bus.From Ryga to Stokholm we went by cruise ship.A =The ship was very big. In the ship was (=were) nine floors..(=word order: There were nine floors in the ship) We lived in (=on) the sixth floor. I was with my daughter.
.We were in the club in the evening.We danced and sang.It was very interesting.
We ate in the restaurant in the morning.The food was very different and very delicious.
We walked through(=around, in) the city all day.We saw famous places of the town.We had lunch in a cafe, but food was very expensive.
I came at home next day. The Travel was very good.I want to come back.
List of verbs in past simple:
was- to be
were-to be
sang- sing
ate- eat
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn.#3696nuo Poplyn
Poplyn replied the topic: FRIDAY Autumn classes homework :)
Page 52
a. Hello, I'm Alex.
1. It was very cold last winter.
2. Where were you yesterday at six o'clock?
3. Kelly wasn't at work yesterday.
4. I went to Brazil last summer.
5. I got up late and I didn;t have breakfast.
6. Did you have a shower this morning?
7. My sister studied medicine at university.
8. They stopped at a cafe.
9. What time did they arrive?
10. I met a lot of people at university.
My story:
Last Thursday, exactly the evening, was very interesting for me. First I worked all day at the library. After work I came back home and ate my dinner. After an hour I (....-->to the end) with my boyfriend) went to Pasvalys Swimming pool(...with my boyfriend). We swum(=a) a lot and we were in a sauna. I met my moderator of English Jurate there. Now she is smiling (I hope), because she is reading about her participation in my story.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.