It is a very close shot. I can tell that (kad) this object is very popular and you have it at home. I have it too. We all have it at home!
a close shot [klouz šot] iš arti nutraukta/nufotografuota
prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn.#2414nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
Do you mean "floor" [flo:] - grindys? We don't have paving in our homes. We have hardwood floor( [hardvud flo:] - medinės grindys) or tile flooring ([tail flo:ring] - plytelių grindys) in our homes. Paving [peiving] is in the street. It is 'šaligatvis' in UK and 'gatvės grindinys' in USA.
Can you guess the second time? You can ask questions
Thanks for you guess. I'm very sorry that it is not correct It isn't flooring. It is a very small thing, a very cheap thing. You see only a detail in the photo. (a detail [e diteil] - detalė, dalelė) . You see this thing every day at home. You can keep it in your pocket. You have it in your kitchen (a kitchen [e kičen] - virtuvė).
No, it is not a hone You can give a hone to a child. You can't give my mystery thing to a child. It is dangerous. And it is very very cheap, only three or four eurocents.
to give [giv] - duoti
Can you guess one more time? And I will give you the answer.
one more time [oun mo: taim] - dar kartą;
prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 3 mėn.#2461nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
I can guess one more time. A matchbox is verry verry cheep. I can keep it in my pocket. I have it in my kitchen. But I not see this thing every day at home. (=I see - aš matau šį daiktą kiekvieną dieną namuose....)I can't give this thing to a child.
Yes, it is a matchbox.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
I don't know this place and I have two questions for you
1. Is this place in Lithuania?
2. Is it a graveyard or a church?
a graveyard [greivja/r/d] - kapinės; a church [čorč] - bažnyčia
Very nice. I know about the seer Vanga. It is an extraordinary woman! Is it a small town of Rupite in Bulgaria in your photo, where there is the grave of Vanga?
extraordinary [ekstraordinari] - išskirtinis, neeilinis; a grave [greiv] kapas.