prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn.#2960nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
It is a special place, famous for dinosaur bones. Where is it? What country?
a special place [spešal pleis] - ypatinga vieta; dinosaur bones [dai nou ze/r/ bounz] - dinozaurų kaulai
Oh, Badland! It is a fantastic land! No, it's not Badland on the photo, but it is in Americas too. What country is to the South from the USA? Its name means "Silver Land" in Latin
a land [le:nd] - kraštas, žemė; Americas [ea:- me- ri- kaz] Amerikos žemynas; South [sauth] - Pietūs; to mean [mi:n] - reikšti
Yes, you are right! It is in Argentina. This place is called Valley Of The Moon ( [vali of the mu:n ] - Mėnulio slėnis] and it has very old dinosaur bones.
prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn.#3005nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
We not see it but we know about it. (=do +not =don't; visi veiksmažodžiai (išskyrus to be ir can) anglų kalboje paneigiami su do +not =don't: I don't see; you don't see; he.she, it doesn't see, we don't see, you don't see, they don't see) You can guess? (=Can you : it's a question)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
I don't see your photo - the site doesn't want to show it
Aš nematau tavo nuotraukos - svetainė nenori jos rodyti
the site [sait] - interneto svetainė; it doesn't want [it daznt want ] - ji/jis nenori
Oh, I see now! Suprantu dabar! Is it a soul- a ghost - in your photo? Is it why the photo is invisible?
a soul [ soul] - siela; ghost [goust] - šmėkla, vaiduoklis; invisible [invizibl] - nematomas
prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn.#3117nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
I think I see a ship over there in the photo. Am I right?
Is it an ocean or a sea?
What country is on the shore this ocean or this sea?
Do people use it? What Do (=For)? (=What for? [uat fo:] - kam? kuriuo tikslu? : John: -Give me your pen! - Mary: What for? John: I want to write down your new phone number. )
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
You're very close! These are not ships, but military forts in the river Thames, in the UK. They are now the museum and tourists visit them but in the World War Two they were a good protection from German military ships.
the river Thames [rive teimz] - Temzė; a military fort [militari fo/r/t] - karinis įtvirtinimas; them [dem] - juos; World War Two [uo/r/ld uo: tiu:] - Antras Pasaulinis Karas; were [ue:] - buvo (dgs.); a good protection [gu:d protekšn] - gera apsauga
Are these ruins of an old Greek theater or amphitheater? Is this place in Greece? How old is it?
ruins [ru:ns] - griuvėsiai; amphitheater [romeinian amfi-tie-te] - romėnų amfitetras
prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn.#3170nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
This place isn't in Greece. It isn't ruins, but it is very old. I don't know how to write down Its years. Here (--->)people sit and see now. (vietą geriau visada sakyti po veiksnio ir tarinio: People sit here and watch performances now; a performance [performans] - pasirodymas scenoje, vaidinimas) This place(--->) people call The Roman Theatre in Merida. (=People call this place...)
What country is it?
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.