Is it a Lithuanian log cabin in Rumsiskes? Is it Lithuanian farmers' typical house back in the day?
a log [log] - rąstas; a cabin [ka-bin] - troba; a log cabin - ręsta troba; a farmer [farme] - ūkininkas, žemdirbys; back in the day [be:k in de dei] - senais laikais, seniau.
Yes, you are right! It is a church in Moscow, in Russia.
Its name is Saint Basil's church ( [seint bazils čorč]- Švento Vasilijaus cerkvė) . Isn't it beautiful?
prieš 9 m. 5 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 5 mėn.#2606nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
It isn't an oil lamp used back in the day. But it__ used back in the day. =is
We see an(=a) candle. We see numbers on the candle. Why are numbers on the candle? What thing is here? What is it?
We think about the time .
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 5 mėn. nuo Jurate.
Wow! Janina! I'm so happy to see your comment. I see you learn by yourself. You learn well
by yourself [ bai jo:self] - pats vienas.
So why oh why there are numbers on the candle? .... You say it has something to do with the time... Is it an old clock? Do people mesure time with a burning candle back in the day?
to have something to do [to he:v somthing tiu diu] - turėti kažką bendro;
to mesure [meža] - matuoti burning [bio/r/ning] - deganti(s)
Jurate, Your loaded picture looks so deliciuos
like a mix of candies Very nice and interesting picture. I have read (I hope, I wrote the tense correctly...), it is a church.
Yes, you used present perfect tense in your previous comment very well And I don't have to use it in my previous sentence because I say when exactly in the past you used it
Poplyn posted the whirlpool of time! Time runs so fast that I can't catch with it and I'm always late ! Bye Bye! See you next time!!!
whirlpool [wirlpul] - sukūrys; to catch with time [keatč] - suspėti laiku...