prieš 8 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 3 mėn.#5348nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
Yes, it is. Such sound amplifier isn't near Pasvalys. It is in the forest of Juodkrante. This forest is about a hundred years old. So, that to see this wooden sound amplifier you (arba 'one', arba 'people' - negalima palikti be asmens ) must to ( 'must' su bendratim - niekada nevartoti 'to') go to Kursiu Nerija National park. It is one of the five national parks in Lithuania. It is situated between the Baltic sea and the Curonian Lagoon.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
prieš 8 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 3 mėn.#5349nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
Thank you, Janina, that's a very interesting fact, I must visit Juodkrante park one day and find this amplifier
And my picture is for fun! You can see a lot of firewood in this photo. There's also an animal there Can you find this animal and tell me its name? for fun [fo: fan] - pajuokavimui, nuotaikai pakelti; firewood [fajewud] arba dar cut wood [kat wud] - malkos ; viena malklog]a - a piece of firewood arba a log [log]...
Yes, you're right. A cat is resting, sleeping, dreaming...
Was it difficult for you to see the cat? Because I couldn't see it in a small photo, I found a very big photo and then I saw!
I see a banner with the words 'Welcome IFLA' .So, I think it is Columbus Metropolitan library in Ohio where IFLA organized an international conference this year. And you posted the photos of Columbus library because our director went there in August. She attended the conference together with other Lithuanian librarians. Is it correct?
a banner [ba:ne] - medžiaginė iškaba; IFLA [ai ef el ei] - International Federation of Library Associations
prieš 8 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 3 mėn.#5425nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What Is It? Who Is It?
This man is from the UK in the past. This is Horatio Nelson. Horatio Nelson was the most famous Admiral of the Napoleonic Wars. He was the greatest sea warrior in British history. Horatio Nelson is a British hero. Lord Nelson died durring the Battle in 1805.
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Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 3 mėn. nuo Jurate.
Wow , you guessed it right! Yes, it's lady Hamilton, Nelson's lover. They didn't hide their romance. Lady Hamilton's husband knew about it too. She gave birth to Nelson's daughter and named the child Horatia. to give birth - pagimdyti
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