Nice guess! Of course, it is not a washing machine. This thing is old and small but it is priceless to Muslims. It is in their city of Mecca. Muslims go to Mecca to see this thing and to touch it . Can you guess what it is?
a Muslim [maslim] - musulmonas; to touch [tač] - paliesti
Nice photo! I don't know much about traditional costumes. I guess it is a Lithuanian costume, maybe from the region of Suvalkija. Am I right?
a traditional, a national costume [tradišnal, neišnal kastjum] - tradiciniai, tautiniai rūbai; a region [ri:džjan] - regionas, sritis
It's a cauliflower. One kilo of cauliflowers is about one euro twenty in shops, but it is free in gardens
I grow cauliflowers in my garden. It is not easy to grow big and white cauliflowers. Worms attack them, flies attack them.
to grow [grou] - auginti; a worm [uo:m] - kirmėlė; a flie [flai] - musė
Yes, I can. This man is from Slovenia. Please, first watch this video, and then, if you can't guess what this man does in his life and why he looks like Russian president Putin, I will tell you
Harasho, harasho,
I run this freakin’ show! - Aš vadovauju šiam monstrų paradui
You think I can't speak English? Tu manai aš negaliu kalbėti angliškai?
There’s nothing I don’t know. Nieko nėra, ko aš nemokėčiau
I know that World War III , nobody wants to see, Aš žinau, kad niekas nenori matyti 3 pasaul.karo
so please EU and USA don’t mothersuckers mess with me. Tad prašau ES ir JAV, moč****iai, nejuokaukit su manim
Yes I can Taip, aš galiu
because I’m the president with the greatest plan, Nes esu prezidentas su pačiu puikiausiu planu
to make my Mother Russia number 1 again, Padaryti savo motiną Rusiją numeriu pirmu
and by the way I hit better than Jackie Chan, Ir, beje, aš smūgiuoju geriau už Džekį Čaną
I'm a gentleman. Aš džentelmenas.......