4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN

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prieš 10 m. 2 sav. - prieš 10 m. 2 sav. #499 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
4 Verbs that all beginners MUST KNOW!
4 veiksmažodžiai, kuriuos visi pradedantieji PRIVALO ŽINOTI!

to BE - būti
I am [em]
You are [a:]
He, She, It is [iz]
We are
You are [a:]
They are

(Short form)
I'm [aim]
You're [jo:]
He's, She's, It's [hi:z] [ši:z] [its]
We're [Wi:e/r/]
You're [Jo:]
They're [Thei/r/]

not to BE - nebūti
I am not
You are not
He, She, It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not

(Short form)
I'm not [aim not]
You're not / You aren't [jo: not] [ju: a:nt]
He, she, it isn't [iznt]
We aren't [a:nt]
You aren't [a:nt]
They aren't [a:nt]

To BE or Not to BE? Questions :unsure:
Am I? Am I not?
Are You? Are You not? Aren't You? [
Is He,She,It? Is He,She,It Not? Isn't He,She,It ?
Are We? Are We Not? Aren't We?
Are You? Are We Not? Aren't You?
Are They? Are They Not? Aren't They ?

CAN - galėti
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They can ! :lol: [ke:n]

CANNOT - negalėti
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They cannot / can't (short form) [ka:nt]

*CANNOT naudojama retai, dabar visur sakoma "can't"

CAN? CANNOT? Questions
Can I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They?
Can't I,You, He, She, It, We, You, They?

to HAVE - turėti
I have [he:v]
You have [he:v]
He,She, It has [he:z]
We have [he:v]
You have [he:v]
They have [he:v]

Not To HAVE - neturėti
I don't have
You don't have
He, She, It doesn't have
We don't have
You don't have
They don't have

To Have Or Not To Have? Questions... :unsure:
Do I Have? Don't I Have?
Do You Have? Don't You Have?
Does He, She, It Have? Doesn't He, She, It Have?
Do We Have? Don't We Have?
Do You Have? Don't You Have?
Do They Have? Don't They Have?

to DO - daryti
I do
You do [diu]
He, She, It does [daz]
We do
You do [diu]
They do

Not to DO - nedaryti
I don't do
You don't do [dont diu]
He, She, It doesn't do [daznt diu]
We don't do
You don't do [dont diu]
They don't do

To DO or NOT to DO? Daryti ar Nedaryti? Questions... :unsure:
Do I do? Do I not do? [diu ai diu] :blink: [diu ai not diu]
Do you do? Do you not do? [diu ju diu]....[diu ju not diu].... :lol:
Does He,She,It do? Does He,She,It not do? :dry: [daz hi:ši:it diu]
Do We do? Do We not do?
Do You do? Do you not do?
Do They do? Do they not do?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 10 m. 2 sav. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 10 m. 5 d. - prieš 10 m. 5 d. #601 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
Do you remember the 4 verbs? They are very important. Exercise, please!

Can you translate to me these sentences in English?

Aš nesu anglas, aš esu lietuvis.
Mes esame brolis ir sesuo.
Jie nėra rusai.
Mano krepšys yra mašinoje.
Tu esi mano draugas.
Aš darau pratimus.
Aš neturiu mašinos.
Aš turiu savo šeimos nuotrauką. Čia yra mano tėvas, čia yra mano brolis. Mano brolis nėra aukštas, bet jis gražus.
Kokia tavo pavardė?

Can you do the exercises from your Work Book, pages Four and Nine?


Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 10 m. 5 d. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lija

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #919 nuo saulegraza
saulegraza replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
I'm not an English. I am Lithuanian.
We are Brother and sister.
They aren't Russians.
My bags is in car. =My bag vienaskaita
You are my friend.I do the exercises.
I have not an car.=don't have a
I have my family photo. Here is my father. here is my Brother. My brother is not tall, but he is nice.
What's your surname?
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #924 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
Two mistakes ;) Thank you! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 10 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 10 mėn. #1034 nuo Lija
Lija replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
I'm not an Englishman, I am Lithuanian
We are brother and sister.
They are not Russians.
My bag is in the car.
You are my friend.
I do the exercises.
I do not have a car.
I have my family picture.
This is my father, here is my brother.
My brother is not tall, but he's beautiful.
What's your last name?
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 10 mėn. nuo Lija.

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prieš 9 m. 10 mėn. #1061 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
Thank you, Lija. Good job!

New sentences. Translate, please:

Koks tavo telefono numeris?
Ar tu turi elektroninį pašta?
Ar viešbutys yra netoliese? Taip. Jis yra miesto centre.
Rytais aš paprastai išgeriu kavos darbe, bet savaitgaliais valgau pusryčius namuose, drauge su šeima.
Iš kur yra tavo draugas?
Ar gali parašyti el. laišką?
Kaip tau sekasi? Puikiai!
Ar tau patinka šitas krepšys.
Aš negaliu prisiminti tavo telefono numerio.
Ar tu gali atidaryti langą?
Ar galiu jums padėti?
Aš laimingas, kai esu drauge su šeima.
Ar tau patinka greitas maistas? Ne.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lija

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prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. #3248 nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: Ats: 4 Verbs: BE, HAVE, DO, CAN
What is your phone number?
Do you have an a=e-mail?
Is a hotel is near? Yes, it is. It is in the centre of the town..
In the morning I drink coffee at work, but in =at the weekend I have my breakfeast at home with my family.
Where is your friend from?
Do you can write an a-mail? =Can you...
How do you do? I'm fine. (=How are you? 'How do you do' is old fashionned)
Do you like this bag?
I can't remember your phone number.
Do you can open the window.? Can you...
Can I help you?(Could I help you?) ( May I help you ?) OK!
I'm happy when I am with my family.
Do you like fast food.?No, I'm not.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 4 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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