4 Verbs that all beginners MUST KNOW!
4 veiksmažodžiai, kuriuos visi pradedantieji PRIVALO ŽINOTI!
to BE - būti
I am [em]
You are [a:]
He, She, It is [iz]
We are
You are
They are
(Short form)
I'm [aim]
You're [jo:]
He's, She's, It's [hi:z] [ši:z] [its]
We're [Wi:e/r/]
You're [Jo:]
They're [Thei/r/]
not to BE - nebūti
I am not
You are not
He, She, It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
(Short form)
I'm not [aim not]
You're not / You aren't [jo: not] [ju: a:nt]
He, she, it isn't [iznt]
We aren't [a:nt]
You aren't [a:nt]
They aren't [a:nt]
To BE or Not to BE? Questions 
Am I? Am I not?
Are You? Are You not? Aren't You? [
Is He,She,It? Is He,She,It Not? Isn't He,She,It ?
Are We? Are We Not? Aren't We?
Are You? Are We Not? Aren't You?
Are They? Are They Not? Aren't They ?
CAN - galėti
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They can !

CANNOT - negalėti
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They cannot / can't (short form) [ka:nt]
*CANNOT naudojama retai, dabar visur sakoma "can't"
CAN? CANNOT? Questions
Can I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They?
Can't I,You, He, She, It, We, You, They?
to HAVE - turėti
I have [he:v]
You have [he:v]
He,She, It
has [he:z]
We have [he:v]
You have [he:v]
They have [he:v]
Not To HAVE - neturėti
I don't have
You don't have
He, She, It doesn't have
We don't have
You don't have
They don't have
To Have Or Not To Have? Questions... 
Do I Have? Don't I Have?
Do You Have? Don't You Have?
Does He, She, It Have? Doesn't He, She, It Have?
Do We Have? Don't We Have?
Do You Have? Don't You Have?
Do They Have? Don't They Have?
to DO - daryti
I do
You do
He, She, It
does [daz]
We do
You do
They do
Not to DO - nedaryti
I don't do
You don't do
[dont diu]
He, She, It
doesn't do [daznt diu]
We don't do
You don't do
[dont diu]
They don't do
To DO or NOT to DO? Daryti ar Nedaryti?
Do I do? Do I not do? [diu ai diu]

[diu ai not diu]
Do you do? Do you not do? [diu ju diu]....[diu ju not diu]....

Does He,She,It do? Does He,She,It not do?

[daz hi:ši:it diu]
Do We do? Do We not do?
Do You do? Do you not do?
Do They do? Do they not do?