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Sophie.. Yes, Finn? ... Our topic for the day - "Describe your daily routine". OK, great... Using lots and lots of adverbs...Yes, please... Got it... So, I usually wake up around 7 am ... Mhm, me too... And... Breakfast? ...Yeah, I'll try and have breakfast... sometimes I get up too late , so, I'll just grab a little bit and run out the door... Very good... If it's raining I always get the bus, but if the weather is alright I walk, takes about 20 minutes. How about you? ... I always take the Tube... Always? ... It's so far, yeah, if I was to take the bus, it would take too long. What time do you go for lunch? About one o'clock usually... Usually? Yeah? Yeah!... I think I pretty much always have lunch at one... That's very precise, yeah! ... Everyday, exactly, yeah... That's good though, brakes up the day a bit, doesn't it? Yeah, it does... What about you, when do you finish work? ..Er.. about six o'clock... most days... some days if I can I escape a little bit earlier that happens occasionally ... don't tell the boss... No, absolutely... Never tell the boss... How about you?... I usually finish at six actually... And then, what do you do with your evenings? . .. With my life? I go home and I rarely cook, actually... No... I always cook, I love to cook dinner... No, maybe once a week, I rarely cook dinner, sometimes eat at the restaurant, sometimes eat with friends... Oh, that's nice... Yeah,....and then usually go to bed about midnight... Midnight? No, I'm in bed by ten o'clock!...Really? Really? ... Yeah, otherwise I'm really grumpy in the morning... Usually? Wow! ... Yeah... Incredible! Well done you!... Thanks!
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