For the 29th of January

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #339 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: For the 29th of January
Here is your homework for the 29th of January.

You can do your exercises here, on the Forum. I can help you to correct your mistakes.

Ask if you don't understand!

EXERCISE 2B -- b on the page 90 in your Student Book: write the sentences using people's names with the 's:
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Open 'NEF Workbook Audio CD' in your Beginner folder ([foulde] - aplankas):
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Listen to Track 6 and write the dialogues ([dajalogs]-pokalbiai) in your notebooks or([o:/r/]-arba) here, on the Forum.

Open 'NEF Beginner Tests Audio' in your Beginner folder:
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Listen to Track 2 (its name is in Russian- 02 Дорожка 2 ). Two people from the company "Computer International" are at the hotel. Write the answers to the questions:
1. What is the surname of the man? Where is he from? What is the number of his room?
2. What's the surname of the woman? Where is she from? What's the number of her room?

Listen to Track 3 (03 Дорожка 3) and write the answers to the questions:
1. How does Rachel spell her surname?
2. What number is Paul's room?
3. Is Anna from Hungary?
4. Where's Fiona from?
5. What does the teacher say to her students?

Learn words for people and family on the page 105 in your Student Books.

Go to the page 14 in your Workbooks:
EXERCISE 1 (Grammar): Complete the chart (a) and the sentences (b) with the words my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
............................................Užpildykite lentelę (a) ir sakinius (b) su žodžiais mano, tavo,....

EXERCICE 2 (Vocabulary - People and Family words):
complete the chart with singular and plural of the words.
Look at the picture : it is a family tree (šeimos medis) . You are Jack :) Write the sentences about Jack's family.

Good luck!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #347 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
How is your homework, my friends? Is it clear for you?

Please, remember to play Forum games, it is good for your English and it is a must ([e mast] - privalomas dalykas):

Also, check out ([ček aut] - atkreipti dėmesį) my new comment about the question word "How?":

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #349 nuo Lija
Lija replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
David is Angela's brother
This is Antonio's book
Ann is Mark's mother
They're Sara's children
My brother's car is a Fiat
Jim is Sally's boyfriend
This is Tim's pen
They're my sister's keys
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #351 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
EXERCISE 2B: truputį nesuprantu, nejaugi čia tereikia visur tik is ('s) prirašyti?....Neaišku..

1) What's your sun's name?
His name's Adam.
2) Who's Paul?
His's my sisters husband.
3) Whu's this?
It's Rebeka. She's my brother's girlfriend.
4) Is Keite your wife?
No, she's my daughter.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #352 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
1) His's surname's Hujhes. He's from USA. His's in room 15.
2) Her's surname's Carr. She's from London. Her's in room 7.

1) Rachel's surnam's Wells.
2) Paul's in room 13.
3) No, Anna's from Russia (Moscow).
4) Fiona's from England (Wootton).
5) Go to page 19, please.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #353 nuo Lija
Lija replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
Arūnai spustelėk po užduotim 2B: DĖMESIO: Spoiler!

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #354 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
Lija's exercise 2B-b is very well done! Zero mistakes! :cheer:

Pasiaiškinkime pratimą 2B-b (Jei ką, tai kaip sako Lija, pratimą galima pamatyti paspaudus spoilerį)
Pratimas 2B-b moko, kaip anglų kalboje vietoje "Kas?"(tėvas - the father, sūnus - the son, Džekas - Jack) pasakyti "Kieno?" (tėvo- the father's, sūnaus - the son's, Džeko - Jack's) Kaip matome, anglai norėdami pasakyti "kieno?"prikabina žmogaus, gyvūno ar daikto pavadinimo gale raidę 's. Ir toji 's čia jokiu būdu nereiškia sutrumpinto "yra" !

Žiūrime pavyzdį iš pratimo:
This is his house - Tai yra jo namas - pratimas prašo his (jo) pakeisti į my father (mano tėvas):
This is (my father) house. - This is my father's house.
Tai yra (mano tėvas) namas - Tai yra mano tėvo namas.

Žiūrime pirmą sakinį iš pratimo.
1. David is her brother - Deividas yra jos brolis - pratimas prašo her (jos) pakeisti į Angela (Andžela):
David is (Angela) brother - David is Angela's brother
Deividas yra (Andžela) brolis - Deividas yra Andželos brolis

Dėmesio! Tos 's raidelės, reiškiančios "Kieno?" nekabiname po my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their - mano, tavo, jo, jos, mūsų, jūsų, jų. Nes tie savybiniai įvardžiai jau patys vieni reiškia "kieno?", todėl jiems jokių priekabų nereikia.

... 's nebekabina ir tuo atveju, jeigu vardas ar pavadinimas baigiasi galūnėje "-s" raide, kaip pavyzdžiui Arūnas- tokiu atveju gale teparašo apostrofą:
Arūno draugas - Arunas' friend :cheer:

Ar aišku? Lauksiu Arūno komentaro.
Is it clear? I will wait for Arunas' comment.

Lija and Arunas are Jurate's friends from English classes. :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #355 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
Here are my corrections ([korekšns]-pataisymai) for Arunas' exercises 2 and 3
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

His [his], Her [ha] = jo, jos ;
He's [hi:z] She's [ši:z] = Jis yra, Ji yra.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #358 nuo Lija
Lija replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
5.1. b.
3. What's your name?
4. is it your car?
5. this is my house.
6. your children are beautiful!
7. that's my chair.
8. look at their bags.

5. 2. b.
2. Grace is my wife.
3. Charlotte's my sister.
4. Ben's my brother.
5. Alex is my son.
6. George is my father.
7. Sophie's my doughter.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #359 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
@Lija, that's very well done - no mistakes!

For the sentence 7 in the exercise 5.1.b. you can say "That's my chair" or "That's its chair" - the dog's chair because the dog is there :lol:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lija

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #363 nuo Lija
Lija replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
2. Track 6
1. What‘s your son‘s name? His name‘s Adam.
2. Who is Poll? He is my sister‘s husband.
3. Who‘s this? It‘s Rebecca. She‘s my brother‘s girlfriend.
4. Is Kate your wife? No, she is my daughter.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #366 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January

Lija parašė: 2. Track 6
1. What‘s your son‘s name? His name‘s Adam.
2. Who is Poll? He is my sister‘s husband.
3. Who‘s this? It‘s Rebecca. She‘s my brother‘s girlfriend.
4. Is Kate your wife? No, she is my daughter.

Well done! No grammar mistakes!

Note (pastebėk): in sentence 2 and in sentence 4 the verb 'to be ' is short [šo:/r/t] - trumpas):
2.Who's Paul? He's my sister's husband.
4. Is Katie your wife? No, she's my daughter.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #368 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
1) David is Angela's brother.
2) This is Antonio's book.
3) Ann is Mark's mother.
4) My brother's car is a Fiat.
5) Jim is Sally's boyfriend.
7) This is Tim's pen.
8)They're my sister's key.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. nuo Arunas.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #369 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
I-my; You-your; He-his; She-her; It-its; We-our; You-your; They-their.

a) Boy-boys; Girl-girls; Man-men; Woman-women; Child-children; Friend-friends; Person-people; Boyfriend-boyfriends.

b) 1) Eve's my mother.
2) Grace is my wife.
3) Charlotte's my sister.
4) Ben's my brother.
5) Alex is my son.
6) George is my father.
7) Sophie's my daughter.
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prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. #372 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: For the 29th of January
Well done, Arunas. No mistakes! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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