- Žinutės: 2813
- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
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My answers:
1. What was your favourite food when you were a child?
My favourite food was bananas , white salad and cake Napoleon.
Bananas were very rare in these days and often they were sold green. I remember waiting impatiently until they turn yellow and we could eat them!
White salad and cake Napoleon were usually made by my grand mother who was a very good cook. I havenever tasted a better cake Napoleon than my grandma's!
2. Is there abything that you like/ don't like cooking?
I like cooking soups, stews and making curd dumplings, I don't like cooking anything that needs precise and careful work, like cake Napoleon, for example.
3. In your country, when poeple eat out, do they usually tell the chef what they really think about food?
I think we will all agree that it would be very unusual and impolite to make comments loudly on food in a restaurant in Lithuania. I think Lithuanian chefs usually don't meet their costumers, they stay in the kitchen.
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Jurate's answers:
1. I think tin Lithuania an average working person earns about 400 to 600 euros a month without taxes.
2. There were some instances (atvejai) in the past when I took a loan (paskola) from a bank. It was when I learned driving and only recently got a job.
I also have a 100 euros credit on my bank card and very rarely, when I spend all the money, I use it.
3. I can afford to lead (vesti, išlaikyti) a basic healthy lifestyle because I live in a small town and own a garden. I can afford to go to the gym trice a week, I can afford to eat organic vegetables from my garden, I can afford time to go for a walk daily and admire the nature.
I think many people in big cities can't afford that or it is very expensive.
4. I've never invested anywhere, My savings are in a bank and some of it - in my mother's special envelope because she is saving for a new door for our flat
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