- Žinutės: 94
- Reputacija: 4
- Gauta padėkų: 62
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We had a number of questions about practical matters, especially prophylactic. How do we reduce the likelihood of being infected. People wrote in about face masks, do they really work for this specific virus, one person wrote in about antibacterial hand gels. She points out surely antibacterial won‘t work against viruses. What are the measures that we should or could be taking that will reduce the likelihood of infection?
So if we deal with the face masks first – there‘s very little evidence that they will protect us from the coronavirus or indeed any other viral infection. Because we wear the masks for too long a period, we not particularly very good at changing the masks, so that we can pick up viruses on our fingers and then when we change the mask we can accidentally touch our eyes, our nose or our mouth. So the general consensus view is that they are mot very effective.
What is effective is good personal hygiene. So we know that most of the time we pick up these sorts of viruses by touching contaminated surfaces, things like computer keyboards, door handles or the handrails on the underground. So once you have got that virus on your fingers, if you then touch a susceptible part of your body, like your nose or your mouth, you could transfer the virus and you can become infected. So the best way is to keep your hands as clean as you can. Soap and water is very effective against things like coronaviruses. The hands‘ gels, the alcohol-containing hand gels are also effective against it. And of course, the other thing is that we need to ask our fellow citizens to be considerate when they‘ ve got respiratory infections themselves by sneezing into a tissue or sneezing into a fold of their elbow. So that they can limit the amount of the contamination that they generate and also for them to wash their hands regularly.
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2 TASK1. Why was Carla able to pay her university fees?
2. What new experience has Lisa got from her work at the charity "Water Aid"?
3. Why couldn't Kate get a taxi?
4. What has Rachel just bought for a bargain?
5. What did Chris do when he was 25?
Let's wash our hands - Plaukime rankas
Rub, rub, rub them! - Trinkime, trinkime, trinkime jas!
Don't put your hands - Nedėk savo rankų
on eyes, mouth, nose - ant burnos, akių, nosies
And limit going to crowded places - Ir apribok ėjimą į žmonių pilnas vietas
Fight back against corona! - Kovok prieš koroną!
Always strengthen your health - Nuolat stiprink sveikatą
And keep your environment clean - Ir palaikyk savo aplinką švarią
Together let's raise our awareness - Drauge ugdykime savo sąmoningumą
Fight back against corona! - Kovokime prieš koroną!
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