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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6477 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: FRIDAY READING
I think that our reading activity deserves ([deze:vz]nusipelno) a separate section. :)

We have the reading activity on the last Thursday every month. The meeting time is from 5 to 7 PM

We are reading Bridget Jones's Diary.
Until the 23rd of February write a short summary for March, April and May in Bridget's Diary.
Please, write your reading summaries here.
Your summary must be 5 to 10 sentences long.

Here are some words or phrases from the diary.
page 31
to have a point - [point] turėti tikslą, prasmę; There's no point - nėra prasmės
a carrier bag [kerie beg] - parduotuvės maišeliai prekėms nešti; to carry [keri] - nešti
a tax office - mokesčių įstaiga; a tax officer - mokesčių inspektorius
to have power over men - turėti galios vyrams
page 32
to behave [biheiv] - elgtis
Don't waste your time [ueis] - nešvaityk laiko
completely exhausted [kampli:tli igzo:stid] - visiškai nusivariusi
I haven't got anything on my own - [oun] neturiu nieko savo
page 33
distant - atitolęs
ability to seem not interested - sugebėjimas atrodyti abejingu (nesidominčiu)
gorgeous [godžes] - gražus, kad neįmanoma atplėšti akių.
to ignore [igno:] - ignoruoti, nekreipti dėmesio
instead [insted] - vietoj to, užuot. I keep putting weight instead - Aš priauginėju svorio , vietoj to, kad numesčiau
I would have to spend my birthday cooking - Aš turėčiau leisti savo gimtadienį ruošdama valgį;
page 34
a party guest list - vakarėlio svečių sąrašas
eek [i:k] = yuck [juk] - pasisišlykštėjimo jaustukai
page 35
My mother burst into the flat - mama įlėkė, įsiveržė į butą
crossly [krosli] - piktai; cross - pykstanti(s); She's cross with me - Ji pyksta ant manęs
a shepherd's pie - piemens pyragas: it's with potatoes and meat!
dreadful [dredful] - pasibaisėtinai, pasibaisėtinas
a TV presenter - TV diktorius, pranešėjas
a host, a hostess - šeimininkas,-ė
page 36
I cannot go on - nebegaliu taip daugiau tverti
a pan - žemas puodas, keptuvė
all over the kitchen floor
    - visur ant virtuvės grindų
    to leave behind [bihaind] - palikti, pamiršti
    suddenly [sadenli] - ūmai, staiga
    they threw away - [thriu:] jie išmetė; to throw [throu] - sviesti, mesti
page 38
weird [uei/r/d] - keistas; a weird feeling - keistas jausmas
to work out - pasibaigti sėkmingai, pavykti; taip pat daryti mankštą
page 39:
to develop - išvystyti, išsiugdyti
the inner poise - vidinė stiprybė
BBC1 [bi bi si one] - the main TV channel in the UK - pagrindinis TV kanalas JK.
a chat show - pokalbių laida
a host - namų šeimininkas, laidos vedėjas
a TV - presenting job - darbas TV laidose
Suddenly Single - "Netikėtai vieniša(s)"
fault - kaltė
to wave - pamojuoti
to look horrified - atrodyti pasibaisėjusiam
not yet - dar ne
page 40:
a suit [siu:t] - vyr. ar mot. kostiumas
to look up - pažvelgti aukštyn
to walk on - nueiti tolyn
Should I ring Jeremy and threaten to tell Magda unless he stops seeing this woman ? unless [anles] - nebent: Ar turėčiau paskambinti Džeremiui ir pagrasinti pasakyti Magdai, nebent jis nustotų matytis su ta moterim?
top people from publishing - aukštas pareigas užimantys žmonės iš leidybos verslo
I'm not very good at... - man nelabai sekasi (kokioje nors srityje)
windsurfing - burlenčių sportas
with a clear aim - su aiškiu tikslu
page 41
social skills - bendravimo įgūdžiai
in order to do something - tam, kad padaryti kažką
go up - nueiti prie, link
faintly [feintl] - silpnai, neryškiai, vos vos
to lean against - atsišlieti į
to breath deeply - giliai kvėpuoti
to whisper - sušnabždėti
page 42
round my waist [ueist] - ant mano liemens
to lean over - palinkti virš
page 43
What a pity. - Kaip gaila.
rather attractive - gana patrauklus
extremely attractive - nepaprastai patrauklus
an entry phone - durų telefonas (paklausti, kas ten)
to rush downstairs - nuskubėti, nulėkti žemyn laiptais
dreadful [dredful] - pasibaisėtinas, siaubingas
to scream [skrym] - klykti
to pull [pul] - traukti
a switch [suič] - jungiklis
to gather round - susirinkti aplink, apsupti
to roar up [ra/r/ ap] - atbirbti
to grab - čiupti, griebti
a back seat - galinė sėdynė
page 44
below [bilou] - žemiau, po kuo nors
to pour [poa] - lietis
to shut the door [šat] - užtrenkti duris
to manage [menedž] - įstengti, pajėgti, sugebėti
a tap [te:p] - čiaupas
to race down - lėkti tolyn
on and on - vis ir vis, be perstojo
an Indian takeaway meal - [teikouei] indiškas maistas su pristatymu
page 46
engaged [engeidž] - susižadėjęs(-usi)
pregnant [pregnant] -nėščia
page 47
a mother-to-be - būsima mamytė
to feel sick - jausti pykinimą I felt sick - mane pykino
too many sweets and chocolate [suyts end čoklet] - per daug saldainių ir šokolado
I didn't care [kea] - man nerūpėjo
to stare in a very unfriendly way - [stea] spoksoti labai nedraugiškai
He hasn't called me since - [sins] nuo tada: Jis man vis dar nepaskambino nuo tada.
page 48
We arranged to meet [arandžd] - susitarėme susitikti
brightly [braitli] - smagiai, linksmai
twice as big as usual - dvigubai diddesnis nei paprastai
to get stuck [stak] - užstrigti, o šiame tekste - prilipti;
to get off - išsivaduoti, nusivilkti
page 50
Anyway - šiaip ar taip, bet kokiu atveju
to pretend - apsimesti
to seem [si:m]- atrodyti
to dare [dea] - išdrįsti; How dare he - Kaip jis drįsta.
a rat [re:t] - žiurkė
Can I come up? - Ar galiu ateiti?
to interrupt [interapt] - sutrukdyti; Don't let me interupt your evening - Pasistengsiu tau nesutrukdyti vakaro.
drunk [drank] - pasigėręs(-usi), girtas
page 51
to put away - atidėti į šalį, iškraustyti
to get drunk - pasigerti
page 52:
a marvellous opportunity - [ma:rveles opotju:niti] nuostabi proga, galimybė
a TV crew [kriu:] - TV komanda, laidos kūrybinė grupė
need [ni:d] -reikėti; Man reikia - I need
page 53
to kick - spirti
to look forward - labai laukti
to go on romantic minibreaks - to take short breaks at work in order to spend some time with a boyfriend :)

If you don't know how to write the summary, then just write one or two (not short) answers to these questions:
1. What plans did Bridget have for her birthday party in March and did it work out?
2. What disaster did Bridget have in April?
3. How are Bridget's parents doing? Did her mother make a career for herself?
4. What shock did Bridget have at the start of May?
6. Do you think Bridget is in relationship with Daniel or are they just having an affair?
7. What character from the diary you like the most and why?

Jurate's summary for March, April and May
I loved the story about Bridget's birthday party in her diary. It was funny but also very lovely. Funny, because Bridget doesn't know how to cook but she wanted to make a birthday meal for her friends. Her birthday pie fell on the kitchen floor and she didn't have time to take a bath. It was a disaster. Lovely that her friends were so nice to her. They know Bridget so well! So, they didn't expect any dinner at her's and they booked a table in a restaurant in advance. I think Bridget's friends are wonderful.
For me the most funny adventure in April was the accident with her friend's car alarm. Bridget's friend Magda left her husband, took her car and her son and came to Bridget's. When she stopped in front of Bridget's house, her car alarm went off (to go off - pasileisti, suveikti). They both didn't know how to turn off the alarm and the neighbours were angry.
Bridget wrote a lot about Daniel in her diary. Daniel sometimes stays at Bridget's for a night. I think it is not a relationship, it is just an affair because Daniel isn't serious. Of course, Bridget dreams about an engagement (sužadėtuves). In May she thought she was pregnant and she was upset when she found out it wasn't true...
My favourite character in Bridget's diary is her Mum. She is energetic and full of life, she isn't afraid to live and make mistakes. She enjoys life! Right now she is making her career in television, she has a new boyfriend and looks very beautiful. I'm sorry for Bridget's dad who keeps calling Bridget and cries over (dėl) Mum.

Please, write your summaries. I'm looking forward to it :)


Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Inga

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6510 nuo Inga
Inga replied the topic: FRIDAY READING
About Bridget...She is a beautiful woman who has very caring parents and friends. They are afraid that Bridget will stay alone and they are taking care to find a right man for her. Bridget thinks that the most real man is Daniel. She takes care about her weight, alcohol units, cigarettes and calories. I like to read Bridgets excuses for every day situation. This is so familiar...Her mother is cool. I think it is a woman midle age crisis. :cheer: Bridget was jealoused for her mother. Bridget's birthday was very funny. She has really good friends. :silly: I think I would not want to try |Bridgets shepherds pie. :silly:
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6530 nuo Marius
Marius replied the topic: FRIDAY READING
Brief introduction.... B)
Most liked, as =how/when Bridget wanted to be a chef. But the birthday food challenge failed and birthday has been saved for =by good friends (who knows Bridget and her nature). Charming is her desire not to harm for friends and anyone. I liked how it =she develops inner poise.

to be continued...later
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. nuo Jurate.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jurate

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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6541 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY READING
Thank you Inga and Marius! It's very nice to see you on the Forum :)

Please, choose one event/story/anecdote (nutikimas) from the diary and tell about it in very basic (paprastais) words .
You can tell:
1 about the birthday
2 about the party at work
3 about the accident with the car alarm and the bath
4 about the pregnancy test.

Please, don't use Google Translate, try to translate yourselves.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6847 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: FRIDAY READING
1. Please read about June and July (pages fifty four to sixty four) until the thirtieth of March.
2. Please, write one anecdote from this period. Tell about it in simple words.

Please, remember, that your homework is the fee I require for our meetings...

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. - prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. #6855 nuo Inga
Inga replied the topic: FRIDAY READING
Bridget really is a strong woman. I liked the episode in June. She received for lovely weekend finally. She dreamed about a lot of beautiful things with her boyfriend.But there was the hotel with people and a wedding party. The weather became cold. She didn't got warm clothes.She really is a strong woman :cheer: :
She rowed the boat in the lake and she wasn't cold.She waited a comment from her boyfriend about the new diet.She really is a strong woman. :silly:cheer: :
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 7 m. 9 mėn. nuo Inga.

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