Hi, guys! This is your homework for the next Friday - the 6th (sixth) of May.
New words: a
profile [proufail] - aprašymas apie žmogų interneto tinkluose; a
graphic designer [gre:fik dizaine] apipavidalintojas ; a
hometown [houmtaun] - gimtasis miestas; an
occupation [okjupeišn] - užsiėmimas, darbas;
sign [sain] - pasirašyti; a
signature [signiče] - parašas;
divorced [divo:st] - išsiskyrę;
separated [ separeitid]- atskirai gyvenantys;
(page 9 in the Workbook):
quiet [kuajet] - tylus, ramus;
relaxed [rilakst] - ramus, atsipalaidavęs;
relaxing [ rilaksing] - raminantis, atpalaiduojantis; a
manager [menedže] - vadybininkas; a
suite [suit] - viešbučio numeris iš kelių kambarių;
luxury [lakšari] - prabanga;
Wi-Fi Connection [uai fai kanekšn] - bevielis ryšys; a
golf course [go:lf ko:s] - golfo aikštynas;
at-home bed and breakfast - nakvynė su pusryčiais išnuomojamame būste (ne viešbutyje).
Go to page 111 in Student Book, read Jamie Hamilton's profile and tell the same information about you. Be ready to tell it in the class!
Do exercises on pages 7-9 from the Workbook.
Exercise 4 (pronounciation) on page 8: you can listen to the pronounciation here:
Type the letter or the word and click search - įrašykite raidę ar žodį ir spauskite 'ieškoti'.
Exercise 5 on page 8: Listen to the audio
English File 3rd - Tests ---> audio ----> 02 Pista 2. Complete the form:
Write on the Forum!
Listen to the audio
English File 3rd - Tests ---> audio ----> 03 Pista 3. Answer the questions:
1. What are Betty, Carlos and Angela? Kas tokie yra...?
2. What's Carlos surname?
3. Where's Carlos from?
4. What's Carlos email address? Can you complete it: ************@serv.com
5. What is Carlos going to do on Saturday?
You can watch the videos from
episode 1 (unit 1) - arriving in London if you want
Please, ask here or in the class if something isn't clear