This is your homework for the twenty third (23d) of May.
Don't forget to ask me in the class if you don't understand something!
Learn past simple for regular verbs - Mokykitės būtąjį kartinį taisyklingiems veiksmažodžiams:
to play + ed = I,you, he,she,it we, they played (žaisti - žaidė)
Don't forget how to say:
[t] - po duslių garsų / [d] - po skardžių / [id] - jei šaknis baigiasi t arba d (to start [sta:t] - started [statid] = pradėti - pradėjo
Jei žodžio šaknis baigiasi priebalsiu ir -y, reikia rašyti -ied: to dry - dried- džiūti - džiuvo
Go to page
96 in Student Book, listen to
audio 5.15 from NEF Class CDs - CD3 and repeat:
Do exercise 5C on page 97 in Student Book:
Learn new words on page 113 (listen to audio 5.18 in NEF Class CDs - CD3)
to take (a plane, a train, a bus, a metro) - įsėsti į (lėktuvą, traukinį, autobusą, metro);
a check-in [čekin] - registracijos langelis, stalas ar zona;
a check-out [čekaut] - išregistravimo langelis, stalas ar zona, o parduotuvėse - kasos;
luggage [lagidž] - bagažas;
a case [keiz] - lagaminas;
to kiss goodbye [kis gudbai] - pabučiuoti atsisveikinant;
to cry [krai] - šaukti, verkti
at the airport:
departures [dipačez] - išvykstančių keleivių zona;
arrivals [eraivalz] - atvykstančių keleivių zona
a handful [handful] - sauja, rieškutė;
a suburb [sebo:b] - priemestis;
Do the exercises on page 40 and 41 in your Workbook. Listen to audio 19 in NEF Workbook Audio CD
Write about you!
When was the last time you took a plane (or a train or a ship? Kada paskutinį kartą skridote lėktuvu (ar važiavote traukiniu ar plaukėte laivu)?
You can answer these questions:
1. When was it? Ten years ago? 10 days ago?
2. Where did you go?
3. When did you leave your home?
4. How did you go to a airport ( a train station, a harbour - į uostą)? By car? By bus? By taxi?
5. Where did you buy your ticket? Online? At the airport? Was your ticket expensive?
6. Who were you with?
7. Was your trip long or short?
8. Did you like your trip? Were you afraid or stressed or happy?
9. When did you go back home? After a day? After a week? After a month?
9. Do you want to go on your trip again?
The last time I took a plane was three years ago. It was in the winter, in December. It was very cold in Pasvalys. I went to Athens on a work trip. I got up very early, at about 6 in the morning and I went to Riga's airport in our library's car. Our library driver drove me to Riga, but I went to Athens alone. I had my ticket with me, I bought it online. We arrived in Riga at 8 o'clock, I said goodbye to the driver and went into the airport. I left my luggage at the check-in. I took only a small bag and my laptop to the plane. My plane left at 10 o'clock. At 1 pm I arrived in Frankfurt, in Germany. I had to wait for the next plane at Frankfurt's airport . I waited for four hours. The next plane flew four hours. I was in Athens at about 9 o'clock in the evening. I was tired, but I was very happy to see Athens at night. It was very warm, orange trees with fruit were everywhere ([evri-ue:] visur). I took Athen's metro to my hotel and I slept (miegojau) until the morning. I went back home after two days. I flew on a plane again. I don't want to go to Athens again, I want to go to France, to Portugal or to Spain!