prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5217 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
What do you do?What did you do?
I get up early.I got up early.
We don't have classes.We didn't have classes.
We go to the British Museum.We went to the British Museum.
We have lunch at the cafe.We had lunch at the cafe.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5218 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
What time did you get up yesterday?Yesterday was Saturday.I got up at 9 o'clock.
What did you have for breakfast yesterday?I had water after I had coffee.About 10 o'clock I eaten apples.=ate [eit]
Did you go to work yesterday?No,I didn't.It's the weekend.
Where did you have lunch yesterday?What did you have.I had lunch at =in the garden.We baked sausages.=grilled
Did you do the gym yesterday?No,I didn't.I did exercise at home.
Did you go shopping yesterday?No,I didn't.
Did you have dinner at home?What did you have?No,I didn't,but I had dinner at my friend's house.I had fruit cake and I drank tea.
Did you watch TV.yesterday?What did you watch?No,I didn't.
What time did you go to bed yesterday?I went to bed about 12 o'clock.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5219 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
My homework.

What do you do? What did you do?
I get up early. I got up early.
We don't have classes. We didn't have classes.
We go to the British Museum. We went to the British Museum.
We have lunch at the cafe. We had lunch at the cafe.

Exercise 4 a

1. What time did you get up today? Today its Monday. I got up at 6.30 o'clock because I went to work.
2. Did you have breakfast today? What did you have? Yes, I did. I had coffee with a sandwich.
3. Did you go to work yesterday? No, I didn't. It's Sunday and I didn't work.
4. Where did you have lunch yesterday? What did you have? I had lunch at home. I had pasta with meat and vegetables.
5. Did you do the gym yesterday? No I didn't.
6. Did you go shopping yesterday? Yes, I did. I went to the market of Vilnius.
7. Did you have dinner at home yesterday? What did you have? Yes, I did. I had milk with a bun.
8. Did you watch TV yesterday? What did you watch? No, I didn't. I was at home late. I did my homework.
9. What time did you go to bed Sunday ? I went to bed at midnight.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5226 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
What to do for next Monday (the sixteenth of May)?

Learn new words and read the text on page 47 in Student Book:

a blog [blog] - internetinis dienoraštis; a website [uebsait] - interneto svetainė; typical=usual [tipikal, ju:žual] - įprastinis; as usual [e:z ju:žual] - kaip paprastai; special [spešal] - ypatingas; traffic [trea:fik] - eismas; a nursery [nio/r/seri ] - vaikų darželis; to pick up [pik ap] - paimti; to pick [pik] - imti, rinkti; a present [prezent] - dovana; a trip [trip] - trumpa kelionė; a length [lenth] - ilgis; a sportsman [spo:/r/tsmen] - sportininkas; a sportswoman - sportininkė; a match [mač] - rungtynės; nill [nil] - nulis (sporto rezultatuose]
You can listen to the new words on the online dictionary:
a wedding [ueding] - vestuvės; an anniversary [eniversari] - metinės, jubiliejus; a wedding anniversary - vedybų metinės, a death anniversary - mirties metinės; a birthday [bio/r/ th dei] - gimtadienis; a name day [neim dei] - vardinės; a christening [krisening] - krikštynos; a graduation [gradiueišn] - mokslų baigimas; an engagement [engeidžment] sužadėtuvės; a promotion [promoušn] - paaukštinimas pareigose; a family gathering [fe:mili ga:dering] - šeimos susitikimas; a festival [festival] - šventė; a party [pa:ti] - vakarėlis; a day out [dei aut] - išvyka (iš namų dienai)

It was brilliant [briliant] - buvo 'blizgančiai' puiku; it was greit [greit] - buvo puiku; it was perfect [piofekt] - buvo tobula; it was OK [ou kei] - buvo gerai;

Do exercises on page 39 in Workbook , listen to audio 18 in NEF Workbook Audio CD and repeat!

Write and learn to tell about you:
A special day in my life - Ypatinga diena mano gyvenime:
1. When was it? Yesterday? Last month? Two years ago? Ten years ago?
2. Where were you?
3. Who were you with?
4. What did you do on your special day?
5. Why was it special for you?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5235 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
A special day in my life
It was about twenty years ago when I was at university in Vilnius and lived on a student campus ([stju:dent ke:mpas]- studentų miestelis). It was winter time. The morning was very usual. I got up early with my room mates ([ru:m meits] - kambariokės) and we went by trolleybus to the centre of the city, to our university. We had lectures until the afternoon, we bought hotdogs in the street for our lunch , we studied at the library until the evening. Then we went back home. It was late evening and it was dark. I came into our room first. When I turned on the light, I was very surprised, because I saw our friends from the student campus at the table. They shouted out loud ([laud] - garsiai) "Happy birthday to you!" They had a present for me - a big cake and a bottle of champagne. We had a lovely party: we ate, we drank, we danced sirtaki and can-can, we played games, we didn't go to sleep until the morning. It was my twentieth birthday - my very special day :)
Verbs in past simple - veiksmažodžiai būtajame kartiniame :
was=to be (būti)
lived [livd] = to live
got up =to get up
went = to go
had=to have
studied [stadid] = to study
came [keim] = to come (into - įeiti į vidų)
turned on [tornd on] = to turn on (įjungti)
saw [so:] = to see (pamatyti)
shouted [šauted] = to shout (sušukti, šaukti)
ate [eit] = to eat
drank [dre:nk] = to drink
danced [de:nst] = to dance
played [pleid] = to play (games - žaisti žaidimus)
bought [bo:t] = to buy (nusipirkti)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5238 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
A special day in my life
It was about three years ago. It was my birthday. I got up early and I was in a good mood. I went to shop to pick up the =a cake. The cake was big and beautiful and it was decorated with the number fifty. I went to work. I got the =a bunch of white roses and the =a bunch of red roses. I had coffee and I had the cake with my colleagues. We took photos together three years ago. It was the special day in my life. That evening I was with my family at a pizzeria. They had pizza for dinner. I drank coffee and I ate some cake. Late evening we were in=at the cinema. That day was special for me because it was fun and it was interesting.

1.artikelis 'a' - visada su tais daiktais, kuriuos paminime pirmą kartą. Antrą kartą - 'the' .
(Išimtis yra vienetiniai ir gerai žinomi dalykai pasaulyje - the sun, the moon, the winter, the south, the north... saulė, mėnulis, žiema, pietūs, šiaurė ir t.t. jie turi 'the' jau ir pirmą kartą. Nei 'a' nei 'the' neturi dalykai su numeriais. pvz: page sixteen, room two-oh-three... the cinema: galima pasakyti 'at the cinema' (apskritai kine-su 'the' ) arba 'in a cinema' (vieno kino teatro (pastato) viduje - su 'a', kadangi pastatas minimas pirmą kartą)
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5239 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
This is really wonderful. I love your story. Thank you :cheer:

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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5242 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
A special day in my life
It was eight years ago.It was parents' 50 (fiftieth - penkiasdešimtas a wedding anniversary.It was in Daujėnai.
I was with my family.We all went in =to the church and we visited grandfathers in the
cenutery=cemetry.After there was a feast. We all took photos, welcomed ,sang, dancing=ed and
celebrated. It was they =their and my beautiful and special day.I saw my parents happy.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5243 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
Thank you. :cheer:

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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5248 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
My special day.
It was about two years ago. It was a week before Christmas. The morning was very usual. I got up as usual and went to work. I had a lot of work. At lunch I was shopping. I bought food for dinner. In the afternoon came to me>>>> my daughter Agne with your =her friend came over to me. It was unexpected and very nice. They flew over on holiday!
Then we went home and had a long dinner. We talked a long time and we went to bed late. It was great.

to come over - pargrįžti atgal, ateiti į svečius, to fly over - parskristi atgal
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5249 nuo DaliaK
DaliaK replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
It was four years ago .It was my fifty years anniversary. The Feast was at the cafe in Saslykine ..I got a lot flowers and presents .Feast was---> My daughters' families and my girlfriends were at the feast .We danced and sang ..It was my very special day.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5250 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
My special day
This weekend I was in Palanga.The weather was great.The sun shone.I was with my husband and my daughter.It held Amber Festival.Neptūnas shed amber.We had collected Amber.After we were at the Amber Museum.I returned=came home late but happy.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5254 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
That was very nice stories. I read it with pleasure :cheer:

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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5256 nuo naujoke
naujoke replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
It was a year ago.I was flying first time on =in my life. I'm=was very afraid. But in the plane I met a flight attendant who was a my childhood friend...It was exellent. I liked to fly, to see the clouds and the rising sun.That day---> I will never forget that day.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5267 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
This is your homework for the twenty third (23d) of May.
Don't forget to ask me in the class if you don't understand something! :cheer:

Learn past simple for regular verbs - Mokykitės būtąjį kartinį taisyklingiems veiksmažodžiams:
to play + ed = I,you, he,she,it we, they played (žaisti - žaidė)
Don't forget how to say:
[t] - po duslių garsų / [d] - po skardžių / [id] - jei šaknis baigiasi t arba d (to start [sta:t] - started [statid] = pradėti - pradėjo
Jei žodžio šaknis baigiasi priebalsiu ir -y, reikia rašyti -ied: to dry - dried- džiūti - džiuvo

Go to page 96 in Student Book, listen to audio 5.15 from NEF Class CDs - CD3 and repeat:

Do exercise 5C on page 97 in Student Book:

Learn new words on page 113 (listen to audio 5.18 in NEF Class CDs - CD3)
to take (a plane, a train, a bus, a metro) - įsėsti į (lėktuvą, traukinį, autobusą, metro); a check-in [čekin] - registracijos langelis, stalas ar zona; a check-out [čekaut] - išregistravimo langelis, stalas ar zona, o parduotuvėse - kasos; luggage [lagidž] - bagažas; a case [keiz] - lagaminas; to kiss goodbye [kis gudbai] - pabučiuoti atsisveikinant; to cry [krai] - šaukti, verkti
at the airport: departures [dipačez] - išvykstančių keleivių zona; arrivals [eraivalz] - atvykstančių keleivių zona
a handful [handful] - sauja, rieškutė; a suburb [sebo:b] - priemestis;

Do the exercises on page 40 and 41 in your Workbook. Listen to audio 19 in NEF Workbook Audio CD

Write about you! When was the last time you took a plane (or a train or a ship? Kada paskutinį kartą skridote lėktuvu (ar važiavote traukiniu ar plaukėte laivu)?
You can answer these questions:
1. When was it? Ten years ago? 10 days ago?
2. Where did you go?
3. When did you leave your home?
4. How did you go to a airport ( a train station, a harbour - į uostą)? By car? By bus? By taxi?
5. Where did you buy your ticket? Online? At the airport? Was your ticket expensive?
6. Who were you with?
7. Was your trip long or short?
8. Did you like your trip? Were you afraid or stressed or happy?
9. When did you go back home? After a day? After a week? After a month?
9. Do you want to go on your trip again?

The last time I took a plane was three years ago. It was in the winter, in December. It was very cold in Pasvalys. I went to Athens on a work trip. I got up very early, at about 6 in the morning and I went to Riga's airport in our library's car. Our library driver drove me to Riga, but I went to Athens alone. I had my ticket with me, I bought it online. We arrived in Riga at 8 o'clock, I said goodbye to the driver and went into the airport. I left my luggage at the check-in. I took only a small bag and my laptop to the plane. My plane left at 10 o'clock. At 1 pm I arrived in Frankfurt, in Germany. I had to wait for the next plane at Frankfurt's airport . I waited for four hours. The next plane flew four hours. I was in Athens at about 9 o'clock in the evening. I was tired, but I was very happy to see Athens at night. It was very warm, orange trees with fruit were everywhere ([evri-ue:] visur). I took Athen's metro to my hotel and I slept (miegojau) until the morning. I went back home after two days. I flew on a plane again. I don't want to go to Athens again, I want to go to France, to Portugal or to Spain!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5289 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
It isn't true. It's my old dream. I was on TV ten years ago and I won a trip. It was a trip to Australia. It was the sixth of May. It rained that morning. I said goodbye to friends. I picked up my luggage. I got in the car and I went to the airport. I went into the airport that afternoon. I left my luggage at the check-in. I took a small bag with me. I sat down to place=in the seat number thirteen. I was excited and I thought how awful=awesome. My plane flew at three in the afternoon. It wasor: arrived in Sydney after twenty-three hours. I was very tired but happy. It was a special week for me. I saw the Sydney Opera House, the Royal Botanic Gardens. It was a tale. I went back home but I want to go to Sydney again.

awful [o:ful] - siaubinga; awesome [o:som] - nuostabu
a seat [si:t] - vieta, kėdė viešose vietose
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5294 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
It was five years ago in March. I and my husband flew on holiday to Tenerife, in Spain. We got up very early, at about 3.30 am. We went in =to Vilnius airport with =in our car. I bought our ticket online. It wasn`t expensive. We left our luggage at the check-in. Our plane left the airport at 7 o'clock. At 3 pm we arrived in Tenerife. We went by bus----> to our hotel by bus. The hotel was big and beautiful. From our window, we saw a great view of the Ocean. And we saw surfers. It was amazing.
Our trip was for seven days. We rented a car with our friends and drew around the island of Tenerife. We saw the very large Zoo, we were in the mountains also we went swimming every day.
I liked our trip, it was amazing. I was happy. I want to go to Tenerife again.
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prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 7 mėn. #5295 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY spring HOMEWORK
Wonderful! I loved your account about your trip to Tenerife! :cheer:

Janina, I hope your dream comes true on day :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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