Here is your homework for the 29th of April. (pages Six and Seven in your Student Books)
Post it here if you want me to check your mistakes.
Ask if you don't understand!
Good luck!
1.Complete the sentences with a country - pabaikite sakinius šalies pavadinimu
2. Complete the sentences with she's, he's or it's
3. Complete the dialogues [dajalougz] with is, 's or isn't
4. Write the questions and the answers - Parašykite klausimus ir atsakymus
5. Go to Sound Bank on CD. Listen and repeat words for 'bike' [ai] and fish
. Find words with a different sound:
Eikite į Garsų banką diske. Klausykite ir kartokite žodžius su garsais dviratis [ai] ir žuvis . Raskite žodžius su skirtingu, ne tuo pačiu garsu:
6. Match the phrases - sujunkite sakinio dalis
7. Open your CD with eBooks. Listen and repeat : NEF Workbook Audio CD - 02 Track 02
Atidarykite savo diską su el.knygomis. Klausykite ir kartokite šį garso takelį...