LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T

prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. #3664 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
1. The United States
People have pancakes, eggs, becon for breakfast. (=bacon)
2. The United Kingdom
People have grilled tomatoes, eggs, becon, sausages for breakfast.
3. Russia
People have rye bread, sausage, porridge for breakfast.
4. India
People have chutney, dosa, sambar for breakfast.
5. Brazil
People have toast, ham, fruit for breakfast.
6. Iran
People have naan, jam, butter for breakfast.
7. Japan
People have white rice, miso soup for breakfast.
8. Vietnam
People have pho for breakfast.
9. Germany
People have sausages, bread roll, hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
10. Mexico
People have tortillas, beans, fried eggs, salsa for breakfast.
11. Australia
People have toast, corn flakes, vegemite for breakfast.
12. Morocco
People have crepees, butter, jam, olive oil for breakfast.
13. Sweden
People have bread, cold cuts, cucumber, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes for breakfast.
14. Italy
People have bread roll, jam for breakfast.
15. Egypt
People have pita bread, ful medames for breakfast.
16. Kenya
People have flatbread, fruit, uji for breakfast.
17. China
People have congee, pork bun for breakfast.
I like Russian breakfast. I like rye bread, sausage and porridge. But I eat only porridge for breakfast. (I only eat = prieveiksmiai (only, just, usually, never, all ir t.t.) paprastai eina tarp veiksnio ir tarinio. Jei tarinys yra 'to be', eina po veiksnio ir tarinio: I only eat porridge BUT I am only one)
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prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. #3666 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Nice work! :cheer:
But it is better to tell the story like this: "Americans usually have eggs, pancakes and bacon for breakfast and in the UK people like to eat sausages with eggs, grilled tomatoes and bacon at breakfast. Russians have porridge with rye bread and sausage for their breakfast..." and so on... ;)
better [bete] - geriau

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prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. #3867 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Janina, you are my only student next week. Are you in?

Please do your homework:
1. Learn new words about jobs and workplaces on page 109 in SB (Listen to the audios too.)
2. Do the exercises on pages 24 and 25 in WB (Listen to the audio 11 from 'NEF Workbook Audio CD' and repeat!)
We check exercises when we meet :)

3. Learn to talk about your job, and your family's jobs. You can answer my questions:
What do you do? Where do you work? Do you like your job? What does your husband do? Where does he work? Does he like his job? What do your children do? Where do they work? Do they like their jobs?

About me:
I'm a public relations manager and I work in Pasvalys Marius Katiliskis Public Library. My workplace is at the computer in a library office. I write about library activities, I send emails to people and I make posters. I also organize meetings for English learners in the library. I don't like my work at the computer but I love English meetings. I want to speak English very well. I don't have a husband or children. My mum is retired, she doesn't have a job, she is a housewife. That's all.
a poster [pouste] - skelbimas, skelbimas; library activities [laibrari aktivitiz] - užsiėmimai bibliotekoje; mum [mam] - mama; a housewife [hauzwaif] - namų šeimininkė; that's all [thats ol] - tai ir viskas.

You can watch this video about jobs :)

a domestic engineer [domestik indžinie] - namų inžinierius - ta moteris juokavo ;)
a salesman [seilzmen] - prekybos agentas
unemployed [enimploid]- bedarbis
a traffic warden [tre:fik wo/r/den] - eismo reguliuotojas

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 3 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3876 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
I live with my husband. And this is my family. Our children have their families.
I am a librarian. I work on the mobile library. I start work at ten thirty a. m. I finish work at five p. m.
I and the bus driver goes to the villages. There people wait for books, newspapers, magazines and games. We go to the mobile library visitors for two weeks a month. We don't work on Saturday and Sunday.
I like my work. It is interesting. I like to talk with library visitors.
My husband is an agricultural worker. He works in the agriculture company ,,Friendship". His work is difficult. He a(=o)ften doesn't like your (=his) work. But he wants to have money. That's why he works.
That's all.
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3878 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Thank you Janina. That's a very nice account. I like it. :cheer:
your - tavo, his- jo

Janina parašė: His work is difficult. He often doesn't like your (=his) work.


Janina parašė: But he wants to have money.

It is correct, but I think it is better (geriau) to say : He needs money - Jam reikia pinigų
to need - reikėti; I need - man reikia you need - tau reikia; he,she, it needs - jam, jai reikia; we don't need - mums nereikia; Do you need? Ar jums reikia?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3916 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
They have tea for breakfast.
Do you want coffee or tea?
They don't have cereal for breakfast.
Do you like chocolate?
We eat a lot of rice in Japan.
Do you drink coffee in the evening?
We don't like Chinese food.
They have salad for lunch.
Do they drink tea in Russia?
We live in a big house in Oxford.
We don't listen to the radio in the morning.
My husband and I have cereal and coffee for breakfast.
Do your children watch TV at dinner time?
My sisters don't speak Spanish or Italian.
People in Italy drink a lot of coffee.
Do you work on Saturdays?
They like New York. They think it's fantastic city.
Do you read newspapers and magazines in English?
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. nuo Janina.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4080 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
My dream job is to paint paintings. I want to be a talented painter. I like to paint still lif(=v)es. I paint dead things. Live birds, animals, people also. My dream workplace is at =in a very big room. In the this room there are four big windows, comfortable tables and chairs, a lot of wonderful paintings on the walls. THere are two expensive easels, canvas, papers, paints, paintbrushes. I organize exhibitions of my paintings in Vilnius and abroad. I'm a professional artist painter. Professional artist's paintings are very expensive. I am rich. I work if I want to work. I like my life but it is a dream, not true. :)
Here is a still life.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4081 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Wow, a wonderful dream! :) I want to visit your dream studio, to watch you at work and to have you for a painting teacher :cheer:

1. a life [laif] - gyvybė, gyvenimas; lives [laivz] - gyvybės, gyvenimai
2. Try to say places at the end of the sentences. When you speak about places, use the impersonal 'there'
Stenkitės sakyti vietas sakinių pabaigoje. Kai kalbate apie vietas, naudokite beasmenį 'there' - ten
There are two expensive easels and a lot of paintings in the room.
There is one door and four windows, but there isn't a balcony in my studio

a studio [stiudiou] - darbo kambarys, menininko dirbtuvė

Please do exercises on pages 24 and 25 in Workbook. We check it in the classroom next week :) ( You can do difficult exercises here, on the Forum if you want.)
Please listen to 11 Track 11 from NEF Workbook Audio CD and repeat.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4087 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
1. Ben doesn't read novels.
2. He drinks beer.
3. He watches sport on TV.
4. He doesn't study languages.
5. He likes big cities.

6. Sarah reads novels.
7. She doesn't drink beer.
8. She doesn't watch sport on TV.
9. She studies languages.
10. She doesn't like big cities.

Emma lives in Osaka and she works in a language school there. The school isn't open at the weekend and Emma goes to see friends in Kyoto. Emma likes Japan but she doesn't speak Japanese very well. She has a Japanese class in the morning and she studies in the evening at home. She doesn't watch TV because she doesn't understand the programmes.

Hello. I'm Brad.
Hi. I'm Molly.
I'm doctor.
Do you have brothers and sisters, Molly?
Yes, I have a brother.
What does he do?
He's a student.
Does he live at home?
No, he doesn't. He lives in a student flat.
Where does your mother and father live, Molly? Because two people, not one person :) nes 2 žmonės, o ne vienas.
They have a house near here. I live there too.
Do you like it?
No, I don't. I want a flat for me.

1. Shop assistant
2. doctor
3. lawyer
4. waiter
5. factory worker
6. student
7. administrator
8. teacher
9. nurse

1. A nurse works in a hospital.
2. A teacher works in a school.
3. A waiter works in a restaurant.
4. My brother works in a factory.
5. A policeman works in the street.
6. A shop assistant works in a shop.
7. A lawyer works in an office.
8. My sister works at home.

1. My father works in an office.
2. Jessic's at university.
3. I don't work in an office. I work at home.
4. A policeman works in the street.
5. My boyfriend works in a hospital.
6. The children are at school.
7. Grace works for Vodafone.
8. My sister works in a shop.

1. Where do you work?
I work in an office in the city centre.
2. Does your boyfriend speak English?
Yes, he speaks English very well.
3. Where does your company have offices? We have offices all over the world.
4. What do you do? I'm a lawyer.

5. Do you like your job? Yes, I like it very well=much.(very well - labai gerai, very much - labai)
6. Do you speak on the phone a lot ? Yes, I do.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4106 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Thank you, Janina. Well done! :cheer: Do you want to meet tomorrow? I can come about 9 o'clock. We can go to the classroom and learn English for an hour or so.
...or so - ar panašiai tiek.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4163 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Hi, Janina! Here is your homework about telling the time.

Excuse me, what time is it? Can you tell the time, please? - Atsiprašau, kiek valandų? Gal galite pasakyti kiek valandų? :cheer:

1.Learn how to tell the time on page 110 in Student Book (listen to audio 3.27 in NEF Class CDs-CD2)
2. Do the exercises on page 26 in Workbook. You can write it here, on the Forum, if you want :cheer:
3. Listen listen to 12 Track 12 from NEF Workbook Audio CD and repeat.
4. Open your Interactive CD. Do 3B, 3C and Practical English 3 in "Words And Phrases". Do The Time And Ordinal Numbers in "Vocabulary Bank".
5. Write about your day and learn to tell. What time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast, lunch and dinner? What time do you go from home to work? What time do you start work? What time do you finish work? What time do you go back home? What time do you go to bed?

I often get up at ten to nine in the morning. I drink coffee in a hurry and I go out at quarter past nine. I come to my work at half past nine. I'm late and I'm afraid to meet our director. I go to my office in a hurry and I stay there until midday. I go for lunch at half past twelve o'clock. I finish my lunch at about one PM and I come back to work at about half to two in the afternoon. I finish my work at six PM. I go to shops or to the gym, sometimes I go to the swimming pool and I often come home at half past seven or at half past eight in the evening. I make my dinner and I eat it from ten to eleven in the evening. I surf online for two or three hours and I go to sleep at two or three at night. That's the end of my day.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4174 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
1. It's half past nine. 2. It's twenty to four. 3. It's ten past eleven. 4. It's twenty-five past eight. 5. It's quarter to five. 6. It's seven o'clock. 7. It's five to two. 8. It's quarter past ten.
1. What time is it? 2. Just a moment. It's twenty-five to six.
3. Excuse me. What time is it? 4. Sorry, I don't know.
5. Excuse me. What time is it? 6. It's quarter past three.
7. What time is it? Sorry, I don't have a watch.
I usually get up at half past five a. m. I make my breakfast and I eat it from quarter past six to twenty-five past seven in the morning. I often sit down and have a caffee(=coffee) at half past eight a.m. I go to work at half to nine a.m. I come to my work at twenty-five to eleven a. m. My work starts at half past ten a.m. I'm late five minutes. I have lunch at ten past twelve o'clock. I often drink coffee at ten to one o'clock. I usually finish my work at five p.m. ,but on Friday I finish my work at quarter to four p.m. I go shopping at ten past five p.m. I go home at twenty to six p.m. I sometimes go to the gym at ten to seven in the evening. I make dinner from eight to nine in the evening. I surf online and watch TV at half past nine p. m. I go to bed at eleven p. m.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4176 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Thank you. Well done! :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4197 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
She's a doctor.
She likes her job.
She starts work at half past eight a.m.
She finishes work at six p.m.
He is a faktory worker. =c
He doesn't like his job.
He starts work at six a.m.
He finishes work at two in the afternoon.
She is a nurse.
Of course! She likes her job.
She starts work at nine a.m.
She finishes work at four o'clock.
He is waiter.
He likes his job.
He starts work at four p.m.
He finishes work at half past eleven o'clock.
She is an administrator.
She likes her job.
She starts work at nine a.m.
She finishes work at five p.m.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4199 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Nice! :) Well done! I'm happy that I have such a good student! :cheer:

such [sač] - toks, visada po jo turi eiti artikelis 'a' - Such a beautiful man! - Toks gražus vyras! Such a wonderful day! - Tokia nuostabi diena!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4281 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
Hello, I'm Alex.
Do you want a coffee?
Do you like dogs?
I don't eat fast food.
Do you live in the city centre? Yes, I do.
In Japan we have rice for breakfast.
Jack works in a language school.
Does she speak English?
He teaches Spanish at university.
My brother doesn't have children.
What does Gavin do? He's a doctor.

watch TV
listen to the radio
speak English
live in a flat
read the newspaper
have breakfast

It's quarter past seven.
It's half past two.
It's five to six.
It's quarter to ten.
It's twenty past ten.
It's twenty-five to four.

A What day is it today? B Friday.
A What time is it? B It's half past five.
A What do you have for breakfast? B It depends.
A What's her mobile number? B Sorry, I don't know.
A Do you want some water? B Yes, please.
A Do you drink a lot of coffee? B Yes, six cups a day. (=6 puodelius)

1. Selma is a nurse. She works in a big hospital in Ankara.
2. She doesn't have a boyfriend.
3. She lives with two friends.
4. She doesn't live in the city centre.
5. She doesn't study a language.

1. Emre is a student at Bilkent University in Ankara. He wants to be a teacher.
2. He has a girlfriend.
3. He lives with his family.
4. He lives in a flat in the centre of Ankara.
5. He studies English.

My friend's name is Regina. She's fifty years old and she's a worker of =in(arba for),,Swedbank". She works in a big bank in Kaunas. She lives with her family in the centre of Kaunas. She has a big and beautiful house. She doesn't study English. Regina likes her job. She's a very nice woman.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #4287 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: LIBRARIANS! Homework about DO and DON'T
I have a friend in Kaunas. Her name is Kristina, she is 33 years old and she works in Kaunas library where she is a head of a manuscripts department. Kristina is a good librarian, she's a very nice person and she's a very beautiful woman too - she is tall, she has long blond hair and blue eyes. Kristina has a family - she has a husband and a small son. Her son goes to school. The family live in a small house near Kaunas. Every morning Kristina gets into her car and drives her son to school, then she drives to her work. I know Kristina from the International Librarians Conference in Spain and sometimes we write emails to each other.

a head of a manuscripts department [he:d of e me:njuskripts dipa:tment] - rankraščių skyriaus vadovas (galva)
to get into a car [get intiu e ka:] - įsėsti į mašiną
to drive [draiv] - vairuoti, važiuoti mašina
each [ič] - kiekvienas ; other [ade] - kitas ; to each other - vienas kitam (viena kitai)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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