MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework

prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3309 nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
My homework, crossword
7.Identity Card
9. Umbrella

4.Credit Card
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3310 nuo Palmira
Palmira replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
It's my homework!
Page Thirteen, "Words and Phrases to learn":
farther it isn't clear.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3313 nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
My homework :) Very nice song :)

She is D, delirious-pašėlusi
She is I, incredible-Įspūdinga
She is S, superficial-? (dirbtinė, netikra)
She is C, complicated-komplikuota
She is O, oh, oh, oh

She is D, desirable-geidžiama
She is I, irresistible -nenugalima
She is S, super sexy –super seksuali
She is C, such a cutie-labai miela
She is O, oh, oh, oh
D.I.S.C.O. (x4)
She is D, disastrous-pražūtinga (vaikščiojanti nelaimė :silly: )
She is I, impossible-neįmanoma
She is S, super special – labai ypatinga
She is C, crazy, crazy- išprotėjusi
She is O, oh, oh, oh

She is D, delightful- šviesi (teikianti džiaugsmą)
She is I, incredible- įspūdinga
She is S, sensational- jautri
She is C, sweetest (=as) candy- saldi kaip saldainė (sweet as - saldus kaip.../ sweetest - saldžiausias)
She is O, oh, oh, oh
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3319 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Wow, Renata! :woohoo: It's a brilliant work! Thank you very much :cheer:

Thanks Palaima too! What is not clear for you? I don't understand :silly: Your three sentences are correct!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3344 nuo Romualda
Romualda replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
My homework 2 c
1. What is it?
It's a book.
2. What are they?
They're glasses.
3. What is it?
it's a table.
4. What is it?
it's a coat.
5. What are they?
They're photos.
6. What is it?
it's a laptop (a computer).
7. What are they?
They're autos (cares).
8. What are they?
They're credit cards.
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3351 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Thank you! It's a good work :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3373 nuo Rimas
Rimas replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
my homeworks
2grammar a
a pen
an umbrella
a chair
a dictionary
a key
an indentity card
an watch (prieš w - visada 'a' - before 'w' is always 'a')
a country
an email
a holiday
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3378 nuo nerijanerute
nerijanerute replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
:) My homework

a pen (parkelis)
an umbrella (sketis)
a chair (kede)
a dictionary (zodynas)
a key (raktas)
The identity card (asmens kortele)
a watch (laikrodis)
The country (kaimas vietove)
an email (elektroninis pastas)
a holiday (atostogos)
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3380 nuo nerijanerute
nerijanerute replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
1. Glasses (akiniai)
2. Mobile (mobilus)
3. Photo (nuotrauka)
4.Cheque (=a bank) card (banko, cekio kortele) arba a credit card

.5. Watch (laikrodis) galbut rankinis laikrodis???
6.Bag (rankine) tada butu hand bag (you are correct : a bag - tašė, a hand bag - rankinukas)
7.Identity card (asmens kortele)
8. key ( raktas)
9. Umbrella (sketis nuo lietaus)
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3381 nuo nerijanerute
nerijanerute replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Daina D.I.S.C.O

She is D delirious - paselusi
She is I incredible - neitiketina
She is S superficial -aukstumoje, virsuneje
She is C complicated- komlikuota ????? :huh: (yes! :cheer: )
She is O ooooooo

She is D desirable - trokstanti
She is I irresistible - nenugalima

She is S super sexsy -seksuoli
She is C such a cutie - miela, zavinga
She is O oooooooo

D.I.S.C.O kartojama

She is D disastrous- prazutinga
She is I impossible - neimanoma
She is S super special - super ipatinga
She is C crazy crazy- isprotejusi,
She is O ooooooo

She is D delightful - zavinga
She is I incredible - neitiketina
She is S sensational - sensacine
She is C sweet as candy - saldus kaip saldainiukas
She is O ooooooo

Kartojami 1 ir 2 stulpeliai
D .I. S. C. O
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3384 nuo Little Angel
Little Angel replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
My homerwork
The song DISCO

She is Delirious paklaikusi
She is Incredible neįtikėtina (nepaprasta)
She ie Superficial paviršutinė
She is Complicated sudėtinga (paini)
She is Oh oh

She is Desirable geidžiama
She is Irresistible neatsispiriama
She is Super sexy patraukli
She is Cutie gražutė
She is Oh oh

She is Disastrous pražūtinga
She is Impossible nepakenčiama
She is Super special ypatinga
She is Crazy crazy beprotiška

She is Delightful žavi
She is Incredible neįtikėtina
She is Sensational stulbinanti
She is sweet as candy saldainiukas
She is Oh oh
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prieš 9 m. 2 mėn. #3389 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Wow, guys! :woohoo: The song isn't obligatory. Thanks for comments - fantastic! :cheer:
obligatory [obligatori] - privaloma

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3414 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
! Extra Class is on the 11th of November (Wednesday) not on the 12th of November (Thursday) Sorry!
Papildoma pamoka yra 11 lapkričio (trečiadienį), o ne 12 lapkričio (ketvirtadienį). Atsiprašau.

Here is your homework for the 16 th of November:

Learn new words
a parrot [pea:rot] - papūga; over here / over there [ouve die: / ouve hie:] - štai ten / štai čia; to take [teik] - paimti; Take one, please ! - prašom paimti vieną! my. your, his, her, our, your, their[mai, jo: hiz, hea: aue, jo: die:] - mano, tavo, jos. jo, mūsų, jūsų, jų.
Learn the words on page 105 and listen to audios 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 in 'NEF Class CDs'

Do the exercise 2B on page 91 in your Student Book:

Do the exercises on pages 14-15 in your WorkBooks (except the red-marked ones -išskyrus raudonai pažymėtus)[/color]

Listen to the audio 06 Track 06 in 'NEF Workbook Audio CD' and repeat sentences 1 and 4 :)

Open your interctive CD:

Do 'People and Family' in Vocabulary Bank
Do 2B in Words and Phrases
Listen to the sound TH (thumb - nykštys, mother - motina) in 'More Consonants' in 'Sound Bank'

Not obligatory! Neprivaloma!
You can play games online! :woohoo:
- play the puzzle : find words for 'People and Family'
...choose a level - pasirinkite lygį...find words - suraskite žodžius
- write words in the gaps:
...negative 'to be' - neigiamas 'būti'

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3422 nuo Renata
Renata replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
My homework,
Exercise 2B on page 91 in Student Book.
a.I'm English. My name is William.
1. They're from Russia. Their names are Natasha and Igor.
2. A.What's your name?
B. I'm David. Nice to meet you.
3.He's American. His name is Wayne.
4.we're Mexican.Our names are Antonio and Thalia.
5.That's their cat. Its name is Felix.
6.Her name is Tina.She's Brazilian.
7.A. We're Jane and Mark Kelly.
B.Room 22.This is our key.(=your; this is what the receptionist says to Jane and Mark)
8. I'm Sally, and this is my dog, Rover.

1.David is Angela's brother.
2.This is Antonio's book.
3. Ann is Mark's mother.
4.They're Sara's children.
5.My brother's car is Fiat.
6.Jim is Sally's boyfriend.
7.This is Tim's pen.
8.They're my sister's keys.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3426 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Excellent work! The part 'b' is about the possessive 's and you understand it very well!
(...'b' dalis yra apie nuosavybinį 's ir jūs jį suprantate labai gerai!)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3472 nuo ginta
ginta replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
a. I my
you your
he his
she her
it it's =its
we our
you your
they their

b.1.That's my laptop!
2.Are they your keys?
3.What's her name?
4.Is it his car?
5.This is our house.
6.Your children are beautiful!
7.That's it chair.=its (-jo, šuns... )
8.Look at their bags.
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3475 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
Thank you, Ginta. Good job! :cheer:

Remember: its - jo / it's - tai yra

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. #3486 nuo Rimas
Rimas replied the topic: MONDAY Autumn Classes Homework
my homework 2 vocabulary , people and family

boy- boys
girl- girls
man- mans=men
woman- women
child- children
friend- friends
person- persons=people
boyfriend- boyfriends.

Eve's my mother
Grace is my sister
Charlotte's my sister
Ben's my brother
Alex is my san =son (we say [san] but we write 'son' )
George is my father
Sophie's my daughter.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 1 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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