Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį

prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1572 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here you are:

Find me a photo of a beautiful garden from Lithuania, please.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Janina.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1573 nuo Margarita
Margarita replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Winter garden in Kretinga

Find me a photo of camels, please.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1578 nuo Nijole
Nijole replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį

Find me a photo of Vilnius.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Nijole.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1595 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
This camel is awful :lol: :cheer:
awful [o:ful] - siaubingas

Here is a photo of Vilnius old town:
the old town [ould taun] - senamiestis

Find me a picture of the Baltic Sea in Lithuania.
[bo:ltik Si:] - Baltijos jūra

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1605 nuo Arunas
Arunas replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
The Baltic Sea in Lithuania

Find me a picture of the fish roe.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Arunas.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1611 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
I think caviar is sturgeon eggs and fish roe is eggs of any other fish. Am I right? :huh:
any other [eni ade] - bet kurios kitos

Find me a sturgeon [sto/r/džen]

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1614 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is a photo of a sturgeon.

Find me the photo of Edita Piaf, please.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Janina.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #1624 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
:) Here is the French singer Edith Piaf in 1936 (She's 21 in this photo!)

Find me the Lithuanian singer Nelly Paltinienė.

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1643 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is the Lithuanian singer Nelly Paltinienė.

Find me a Russian singer, please.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. nuo Janina.
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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1651 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Janina, I like this photo with Nelly Paltiniene and the teddy bear [tedi biea:]! :)

This is the Russian Gypsy Valentina Ponamariova . She's a singer. She's a VERY GOOD singer :kiss:
a gypsy [džipsi] - čigonas(-ė) ; very good [veri gud] - labai gera(s)

Find me a teddy bear without (be) Nelly Paltiniene :P

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1652 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is a teddy bear.

Find me a Japanese plaything, please.

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1653 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
This is the Japanese toy Kendama. Japanese people like to play Kendama! :woohoo:
a toy [toi] - žaislas; people [pi:pl] - žmonės; to play [plei] - žaisti

Find me an American football player.
a football player [fu:tbo:l pleja] - futbolininkas

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1662 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is Landon Donovan. He's the American football player.

Find me a Lithuanian football player, please.

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1667 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Thanks, Janina! :cheer: You are right, Landon Donovan is American, he is a football player, but he isn't an American football player! American football (amerikietiškas futbolas) is different from football.

Here is the Lithuanian football player Darvydas Šernas:

I'm sorry, but I want a picture with American football :evil: Find me it, please :)
to want [uant] - norėti

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1682 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is photo with American football. American football is a sport played by two teams of eleven players.
American football is different from football.

Find me the photo Italian writer Maria Valtorta, please.

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1683 nuo RitaB
RitaB replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
I'm angry!.. My picture disappeared! :(. But i upload it again. You want American football player so much Jūrate :) Here are ten wonderful American football players! Espesially for you! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. nuo RitaB.

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1699 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Ho ho! :woohoo: I like their muscles and their torsos!
I want the same torso for me :P

Here is a photo of the Italian woman Maria Valtorta, the writer of books about God:
about [abaut] - apie

Find me the English band "One Direction". They are very famous in UK and in USA!
a band [beand] - grupė

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Janina

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prieš 9 m. 7 mėn. #1707 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Ats: Find me a picture - Surask man paveikslėlį
Here is the English band ,,One Direction"

Find me a famous teacher from Lithuania, please.

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