What to read?

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5556 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: What to read?
Recommend something to read
Tell about the last book/story/magazine you read


Do you like to read? Do you want to suggest something to read for others? You can do it here!
1. Write the title of the book in English
Maybe you read this book in Lithuanian, in Russian, in French ... , but here you have to name it in English!
2. Write few sentences about the book
Please give your opinion about this book/story/ magazine. Did you like it? Did you dislike it? Why?

Let's start!
I suggest you to read "Jamaica Inn" .

This book is translated to Lithuanian and is called "Jamaikos smuklė". The book's author is a British woman Daphne du Maurier. This book is one of my favorites. I read this book in Lithuanian, I think I should ([šud] - turėčiau) to read it in English one day... I read it for the first time when I was a student in Vilnius and lived in a hall of residence (studentų bendrabutis). I liked it so much I read it three times. The book tells the story of a young and poor woman who has to live with criminals, but stays strong and pure. This book makes me feel strong and gives hope for better life. That's why I recommend to read it to everyone! :cheer:

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5579 nuo Inga
Inga replied the topic: What to read?
Wow! I love this theme. Thank you, Jurate!

I like reading very much. I read different genres books. I like to read books witch recommend---> my friends recommend. I think it is another way to perceive people. =to know people better...
Now I start Lars Kepler Contract of Paganini. It is a Sweden detective.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5580 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What to read?
Are you 'a bookworm'? Those who enjoy reading books are called 'bookworms' in English :cheer:

I think in my teenage years I was a true bookworm, but now I read little. Sometimes I read mangas. Mangas are Japanese graphic novels - pieštiniai romanai. I read them online on my computer. I turn their pages by pressing arrows on my keyboard.
Right now I started to read 'Sanctuary' ( mangafox.me/manga/sanctuary/v01/c001/1.html ) . It is a manga about Japanese criminals and police officers. There's love too.

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5585 nuo Inga
Inga replied the topic: What to read?
I think I am a bookworm :) but I read now not so much like I would want. I need a silence when I read and it is not imposible sometimes. If I read in bed I fall asleep fast. But I feel anxious when I don't have a book near by, by my side. Manga is a new thing for me. When I'll have a free time I'll be interested on it=take a look at it, I'll check it out.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5594 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What to read?
Two days ago at our library we had a meeting with Margarita Lužytė, author of several books. She said that she loved books because books always feel intimate and people only sometimes.

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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5703 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: What to read?
I like to read. I would like to read the book ,,Jamaica Inn'' because I really liked Jurate's the opinion about this book. I'm not a ,,bookworm". I can tell about the last book I read and I can suggest you to read ,,Guliver's Travels".

I read this book in Lithuanian. Guliver's Travels is a very old adventure story. This story wrote =was written by (buvo parašyta...) Jonathan Swift in 1726. It was 290 yers ago. Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish sati=yrist. This story is fun and interesting. I would like to read it in English.
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. - prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. #5708 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What to read?
Oh, Janina, thank you for your nice words! :cheer: I have a version of Gulliver's Travels adopted (pritaikyta) for English learners. It is made for reading and for listening. It has exercices with it. Last year I read it, I listened to it and I did all the exercises :silly:

Maybe in the future we could read it together in the class and do exercices :)
could [kud] - galėtume

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Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 8 m. 2 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 7 m. 11 mėn. #6556 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What to read?
Are you interested in the UFO (Unrecognized Flying Objects? :woohoo:
I'm reading an article about a mass UFO sighting ([saiting] - regėjimas, pamatymas) in the UK fourty years ago. A group of schoolchildren saw a strange flying object near their school and draw the pictures of it:


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prieš 7 m. 10 mėn. #6651 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: What to read?
I'm reading poetry today, poetry about blues.
poetry - poezija; blues [bliuz] - melancholiška nuotaika, liūdesys.
I hope one day I'll read some of this poetry with you :cheer:


(These are poems with a blues character, or written in blues form, or simply about the blues.)

Master Charge Blues (Sonia Sanchez)

it's wednesday night baby
and i'm all alone
wednesday night baby
and i'm all alone
sitting with myself
waiting for the telephone

wanted you baby
but you said you had to go
wanted you yeah
but you said you had to go
called your best freind
but he can't come 'cross no more

did you ever go to bed
at the end of a busy day
look over and see the smooth
where your hump usta lay
feminine odor and no reason why
i said feminine odor and no reason why
asked the lord to help me
he shook his head "not i"

but i'm a modern woman baby
ain't gonna let this get me down
i'm a modern woman
ain't gonna let this get me down
gonna take my master charge
and get everything in town

Bad Mother Blues

When you were arrested, child, and I had to take your pocketknife
When you were arrested child, and I had to take your pocketknife
It had blood on it from where you'd tried to take your life.

It was the night before Thanksgiving, all the family coming over.
The night before Thanksgiving, all the family coming over.
We had to hide your porno magazine and put your handcuffs undercover.

Each naked man looked at you, say, Baby who do you think you are
Each man looked straight down on you, like a waiting astronomer's star
Solely, disgustedly, each wagged his luster

I've decided to throw horror down the well and wish on it
Decided I'll throw horror down the well and wish on it
And up from the water will shine my sweet girl in her baby bonnet

A thief will blind you with his flashlight
but a daughter be your bouquet
A thief will blind you with his flashlight
but a daughter be your bouquet
When the thief's your daughter you turn your eyes the other way

I'm going into the sunflower field where all of them are facing me
I'm going into the sunflower field so all of them are facing me
Going to go behind the sunflowers, feel all the sun that I can't see

Blues (Joseph Brodsky)

Eighteen years I've spent in Manhattan.
The landlord was good, but he turned bad.
A scumbag, actually. Man, I hate him.
Money is green, but it flows like blood.

I guess I've got to move across the river.
New Jersey beckons with its sulphur glow.
Say, numbered years are a lesser evil.
Money is green, but it doesn't grow.

I'll take away my furniture, my old sofa.
But what could I do with my windows' view?
I feel like I've been married to it, or something.
Money is green, but it makes you blue.

A body on the whole knows where it's going.
I guess it's one's soul that makes one pray,
even though above it's just a Boeing.
Money is green, and I am gray.

Special Pain Blues (Raymond Patterson)

Anybody can shout and holler,
It takes a special pain to sing the blues.
I say anybody can shout and holler,
But a special pain brings the blues.
It ain't about losing your last dollar
Or having holes in both your shoes.

Children cry when they lose they candy.
Babies cry when they wet theyselves.
Young folks cry anytime it's handy.
Blues comes up from deeper wells.

Takes a natural woman
To draw that muddy water up.
Takes a natural man
To cart that bucket home
And let you drink from the broken cup
And ease the thirst that's in your bone.
(Thirsty to the bone!)

Sometimes the blues so cold
It cracks the jar it's in.
Sometimes it's scalding hot
And burns right through the skin.
Stand it up beside Ma Rainey
If you want the test.
Anything less that folks try to sing
Ain't the real thing.

Two Blues (Donald Justice)

1. The Sometime Dancer Blues

When the lights go on uptown,
Why do you feel so low, honey,
Why do you feel so low-down?

When the piano and the trombone start,
Why do you feel so blue, honey,
Like a rubber glove had reached in for your heart?

Oh, when the dancers take the floor,
Why don't you step out with them, honey,
Why won't you step out with them any more?

The stars are gone and the night is dark,
Except for the radium, honey,
That glows on the hands of the bedside clock.

The little hands that go around and around,
Oh, as silently as time, honey,
Without a sound, without a sound.

2. Angel Death Blues

A dark time is coming, and the gypsy knows what else.
Fly away, O angel death.

It looks like a raven sitting on the wire.
It looks like a raven sitting on the telephone wire.
Oh, it is some high flyer!

Look out now, it's got loose in the yard.
Look out, look out, it's loose in the back yard.
Oh, no, don't you look at me, big bird.

If you are lost, I can't help.
If you are lost, I can't help.
I am a stranger in this place myself.

Fly away, fly away,
Fly away, O angel death.

And shine down, moonlight, make those long feathers shine.
I want to keep track of where it's going.
[Spoken] Shine down, moonlight.

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