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- Reputacija: 9
- Gauta padėkų: 512
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Remember:C: Ne, aš esu Maiklas iš Anglijos. No, I'm a Michael from the England.= No, I'm Michael from England
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=dream carArunas parašė: 2.
Friend1. Is this your car?
Friend2. No, this car's a blue VW Beetle, but my car's a white Jaguar. Look there!
Friend1. Wow! Your car's a very beautiful. But who is there in your car? (=Your car's very beautiful Artikelio nereikia todėl, kad po "very beautiful" nėra daiktavardžio.)
Friend2. This is my brother. I drive my brother to the schol. (=school)
Friend1. Can he drives? How old is he? (=Can he drive? Taip, tiesa, reikia sakyti "Jis vairuoja - He drives", tačiau čia nesako "jis vairuoja", čia sako "Ar jis gali VAIRUOTI (bendratis, nereikia gale -s)
Friend2. He's 16 years old and he can to drive. He prefer a car, but he doesn't have a drive licence.
(=He prefers - nes su "He,She, It" visada gale "s". Išskyrus kelis netaisyklingus veiksmažodžius...)
"Galėti daryti" angliškai "can do" yra visada be dalelytės "to"
Aš pamiršau apie tai pasakyti Jums klasėje, labai atsiprašau, tai mano klaida! Sorry, very sorry! My bad!
Jis gali kalbėti - He can speak ., o ne "he can to speak.."
Aš galiu dirbti - I can work
Tu gali palaukti - You can wait.
Tai išimtis, taip anglų kalboje yra tik su keliais veiksmažodžiais ir galėti - can - yra vienas iš jų )
Friend1. Is your white Jaguar's a dream car? (=Is your white Jaguar HIS dream car? JO svajonių mašina; Kas? Jaguaras - 'Jaguar' gale nereikia 's. Jei norėjai pasakyti sutrumpintą "yra", tai jau pasakei IS klausimo pradžioje (ir labai teisingai!)
Friend2. I don't know.
Friend1. I don't have a car and I can't to drive, but I prefer your white Jaguar. I think, this is my dreams car.
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Poplyn parašė: In the street:
Friend1: Is it your car?
Friend2: No, this car is blue VW Beetle, and my car is white Jaguar. Look there!
1: Wow. Your car is very nice. But who is inside your car?
2: It's my brother. I drive my brother to school.
1: Can he drive? How old is he?
2: He is sixteen years old and he can drive. He likes cars, but he doesn't has a driver's licence. =have
1: Is you white Jaguar his dream's car? =your; =dream car
2: I don't know.
1: I don't have a car and I can't drive, but I like your white Jaguar very much. I think it is my dream's car. =dream car
At the Airport.
I.O.: Welcome to the United Kingdom. Where are you from?
T.: I'm from Russia.
I. O.: Can I see your passport?
T. Yes, here you are.
I. O.: Are you here to work or on holidays?
T.: I am here on holidays.
I. O.: Can you say your contact information?
T.: I don't understand.
I. O: Your address in UK. Do you have an order place in hotel?= a reservation at a hotel?
T.: No, I have a sister, who lives in Manchester and has a house there.
I. O.: Can you tell your sister's name, surname and her home phone?
T.: Yes. Her name is Anna, her surname is Carlysle, her home phone number is zero two one double two double four double five eight nine.
I. O.: Can you spell her name and surname?
T.: Anna Carlysle.
I. O.: Thank you. Here you are , your passport. Have a good time in UK.
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Karolis parašė: Immigration Officer. Welcome to United Kingdom. Where are you from?
Tourist. I'm from Russia.
I.O. Can I see your passport?
T. Yes, please.
I.O. Are you here to work or on holiday?
T. I'm here on holiday.
I.O. Can you tell me the information for contact?
T. I don't understand.
I.O. Your address is in the United Kingdom. Have you a reservation in hotel? =Do you have a reservation in a hotel?
T. No, I have a sister, she live in the Manchester and she has a house there.=lives, Manchester
I.O. Can you tell me your sister's name, surname and the home phone number?
T. Yes, her name is Anna, surname is Carlysle, her the home phone number is oh two one double two double four double five eight nine. =her home phone number...
I.O. Can you spell her name and surname?
T. A n n a C a r l y s l e.
I.O. Thanks, this is Your passport. Have a good time in the United Kingdom.
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