We are learning how to talk about future:
will / won't - staigiai šovusioms mintims ir savo spėlionėms, nuomonėms apie ateitį (opinions about future, predictions, promises):
I think next summer will be cold (mano spėjimas)
I will love you forever! (pažadas)
shall - mandagiems pasisiūlymams, dažnai klausimo formoje (offers)
Shall we go home? Gal mums jau eiti namo?
If you want, I shall make dinner for you. Jei nori, paruošiu tau vakarienę.
(to be) going to +_____ - netrukus vyksiantiems įvykiams, įrodymais pagrįstoms prognozėms ir ateities planams (forecasts and plans)
Hurry, the bus is going to leave in 5 minutes! Paskubėk, autobusas išvyks po penkių minučių
The weather presenter said it is going to rain tomorrow.
I'm going to move to a new flat next month.
(to be) +____ing - priimtiems sprendimams, nutarimams (arrangements), labai greitai netrukus vyksiantiems planams:
I'm not coming to you tonight. I'm having dinner at my parents'. Neateisiu pas tave šįvakar. Vakarieniausiu pas tėvus.
What are these tickets for? -It's for our holiday. We are staying in an Italian resort this summer. Kam šie bilietai? Mūsų atostogoms. Mes gyvensime Italijos kurorte šią vasarą
Kalbant apie planus - ar ateities, ar netrukus vykstantiems - galima vartoti bet kurią iš šių dviejų formų:
(to be) going to +_____ arba
(to be) going to +_____ :
What are these tickets for? It's for our holiday we are going to stay = we are staying in an Italian resort...
1. Please, do the homework from the workbook, unit 1, pages 7 to 9.
I'm sorry we didn't have time in the class to look at new words of personality (charakterio). Learn them at home, look for pronunciation on Google. We will check everything on Friday:
jealous - pavydus,
reliable - patikimas;
self-confident - savimi pasitikintis;
selfish - egoistiškas;
sensible - racionalus,
spoilt - išlepintas;
stubborn - užsispyręs.
Some opposites - kai kurios priešingos reikšmės:
trusting - patiklus;
unconfident - nepasitikintis savimi;
unreliable - nepatikimas;
unsensible arba foolish - neracionalus, neprotingas;
selfless - nesavanaudis;
tough - užsigrūdinęs, kietas;
kind - unkind - malonus - nemalonus;
lazy - hard-working arba energetic - tinginys - darbštuolis, energingas;
mature - immature - subrendęs - nesubrendęs;
organized - disorganized - tvarkingas - išsiblaškęs;
sensitive - insensitive - jautrus - nejautrus,
talkative - quiet, silent, untalkative - kalbus - tylus, nekalbus ;
tidy-untidy - tvarkingas - netvarkingas
words from the text:
tie - ryšys; a
host - šeimininkas;
shiny - spindintis; to
pull up - sustoti šalikelėje; to
support - remti, palaikyti;
left alone - paliktas vienas.
a boarding school - mokykla su apgyvendinimu;
gathering - susitikimas, susibūrimas;
rivalry - rungtyniavimas, konkuravimas;
aware of - žinantis, suvokiantis;
no wonder - nieko stebėtino.
Listen to the couple's conversation and write on the Forum:
What is the main reason (priežastis) for Terry (the husband) to move in with his parents ?
Why doesn't Jane (the wife) want to live with her in-laws?
That's settled - nuspręsta
It'll get easier; It'll get better - bus lengviau; bus geriau
I suppose so - Manau (sutinku), kad taip