Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2081 nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Hi! :cheer: Hi Janina, Hi RitaB! Liucija is off to Siauliai, she is on holiday, so we are only three in the classroom on the 17th and 18th of June.[/b]
so [sou] taigi; only [uonli] - tik

Here is your homework for the 17th of June:

Open your CD with ebooks and audios and find "NEF Beginner Tests Audio " . Listen to the audio "02 Дорожка 2". Answer my questions, please:
1. Where are the people?
2. Is it morning or is it evening?
3. What are surnames of the man and of the woman?
4. Is the man British?
5. Is the woman Chinese?
6. Are they in the same room? What's the number of their room?

Find six mistakes in the dialogues (a mistake or an error are the same - klaida)
a dialogue [dajalog] - dialogas, pokalbis

Good luck!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2089 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
1. The people are at the hotel.
2. It is morning.
3. His surname is Hughes.
Her surname is Carr.
4. No, he isn't.
5. No, she isn't.
6. No, they aren't.
The man has the room number 15.
The woman has the room number 7.

Where are you from?

1. Where's Keira Knightley from?
I think she's from Ireland.
No, she isn't. She's England.=English
2. Is it from Mexico?
No, it isn't. It's from Brazil.
3. I'm Hiro. I live in Hong Kong, China.
Are you Chinese?
No, I'm not. I'm Japanese.
4. Where are you from?
I'm from Hungary.
Is she from Hungary too?
No, she isn't. She's from Spain.
5. Are you from Russia?
Yes, I am. Where are you and Aslan from?
We're from Turkey.
6. Where are they from?
They're from Russia.
Where in Russia?
St Petersburg.
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2090 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Great job, Janina!

If you want, you can watch this video. Try not to look at the subtitles at the beginning
Jei tu nori, gali pažiūrėti šį video. Pasistenk nežiūrėti į subtitrus iš pradžių.
You can answer my questions about the video:
1.Where is Leo from?
2. Is he excited to be in London?
excited [iksaited] - labai besidžiaugiantis
3. Where is Oscar from?
4. Where is Anna from?
5. Where do Oscar, Anna and Leo live?
to live [liv] - gyventi
6. What mistake in English does Leo make?
7. Is George a man or a woman? Where is George from?

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2091 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
1. Leo is from Brazil.
2. Yes, he is.
3. Oscar is from Spain.
4. Anna is from Russia.
5. Oscar, Anna and Leo live at house of Janet.
6. Leo say: ,,He is a very nice woman". Not ,,He"! She is a very nice woman. =Can you correct the mistake? ;)
7. George is a woman. Her name is Georgina. She's from England.
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2093 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Very nice, Janina! Well done! :) Can you correct one mistake?

What do you think about teatime? [ti:taim] - Ką tu manai apie arbatos pertrauką.
People in UK like to have teatime. [tiu heav ti:taim] - turėti arbatos pertrauką, gerti arbatą. Do you have teatime? I do! I like to have teatime at work :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2099 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Yes, I can.
Leo say.=Leo says
I like to have teatime, but I don't.... teatime at work. My work is in bus. :) =have; on the
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2101 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
on the bus - autobuse
he says- jis sako / I, you, we, they say

Yes, it is difficult to have teatime on the bus. :( But we can have teatime in the classroom ! ;)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2137 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Here is your homework for our next meeting.

Learn to tell about your possession you like very much.
a possession [posešn] - turimas daiktas, nuosavybė.
You can answer my questions:
What is your possession you like? Where is it from? Is it from a shop? Is it a gift from your friend or your family? Why do you like this thing? Where do you keep it? Do you keep it at home or at work? Do you keep it with you?

My possession I like very much is my MP3 player! :P I have it from the online shop . I listen on my player to English audio books and radio dramas. My MP3 player helps me to learn English and I'm happy I have it! I keep my MP3 player with me. I take it with me to work, to my garden, to shops. At night I plug it in my computer and I leave it there.
At night - naktį

Do the exercises on pages 12 and 13 from your Workbook.
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Ask if you don't understand something!

Open 'NEF Workbook Audio CD' on your CD and listen to the audio '05 Track 05 ' . Repeat aloud
aloud [elaud] - garsiai, balsu

Open your Interactive CD
Go to Vocabulary Bank and do Things
Go to Words And Phrases and do 2A
Go to Sound Bank. Listen to sounds Zebra [z] and Snake
Read aloud the words in the chart:

Good luck! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Janina

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2156 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
1. glasses
2. mobile
3. photo, pen
4. credit card
5. watch
6. bag
7. identity card
8. key
9. umbrella

a) a pen an umbrella
a chair
a dictionary
a key an indentity card
a watch
a country
an email
a holiday

b) pens
identity cards
c) What is it?
It"s a book.
What are they?
They're glasses.
What is it?
It's a table.
What is it?
It's a coat.
What are they?
They're photos.
What is it?
It's a laptop.
What are they?
They're cars.
What are they?
They're credit cards.

1. What is it?
Sit down and open it.
2. What's in your bag?
Pens and a laptop.
3. What are they?
They're glasses.
4. The door isn't open.
No problem.
I have a key.

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2158 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
What is it? It is a perfect Janina's homework from pages 12 and 13 !

Perfect! [piofekt] tobula :cheer:

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2191 nuo RitaB
RitaB replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
I do the exercises on pages 12 and 13 from Workbook and I wrote about my favorit possession in my notebook. :) See you later in the classroom!

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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2207 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Your homework for the next time is different:

For Janina - write about the family and do the exrcises on pages 14-15 from the WorkBook.
For RitaB - exercises 1A and 1B on page 14 from the Workbook and the exercise 2B on the page 90 from your Student Book
and Liucija - write about your possession - the thing you like; do exercises 1A and 1B on page 14 from the Workbook and the exercise 2B on the page 90 from your Student Book

Ask if you don't understand :)

Please rememeber to write a comment when you want to meet:
I don't come if you don't write

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2229 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
1. a)
I my
you your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their

1. That's my laptop.
2. Are they my keys?
3. What's her name?
4. Is it their car?
5. This is our house? =.
6. Your children are beautiful.
7. That's its chair.
8. Look at his bags.

2. a)
boy boys
girl girls
man men
woman women
child children
friend friends
person people
boyfriend boyfriends

1. Eve's my mother.
2. Grace is my wife.
3. Charlotte's my sister.
4. Ben's my brother.
5. Alex is my son.
6. George is my father.
7. Sophie's my daughter.

1. David is Victoria's husband.
Victoria is David's wife.
2. Jon is Enrique's father.
Enrique is Jon's son.
3. Julio is Enrique's father.
Enrique is Julio's son.
4. Helena is Tim's wife.
Tim is Helena's husband.
5. Janet is Michael's sister.
Michael is Janet's brother.
6. Apple is Gwyneth's daughter.
Gwyneth is Apple's mother.
7. Daniel is Natasha's brother.
Natasha is Daniel's sister.
8. Stella is Paul's daugther.
Paul is Stella's father.

1. Where's my bag?
It's there on the chair.
2. Who's this?
It's my daugther. Her name's Elizabeth.
3. Where's your boyfriend?
He's in the over there car.=over there, in the car - štai ten, mašinoje
4. What's your teacher's name?
John? Jack?
I can't remembre.
5. That's my pen!
No, it isn't. Your pen's in your book.
6. Here's your coffe.=ee

1. Amy's husband is Japanese. A
2. It's a fantastic film. B
3. Dylan's on holiday. B
4. This is my sister's room. A
5. Molly's daugther is six. A
6. What's in your bag? B
7. Emma's late. B
8. The boys are Matt's friends. A.
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2231 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Great job! Thank you, Janina!

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2255 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Here is your homework from the class about the family and English adjectives [e:džektivz]:
ŠTai Jūsų namų darbai iš pamokos apie šeimą ir angliškus būdvardžius

Learn new English words from pages 105-106 in your Student Book Vocabulary

Do the exercises from your WorkBook
Liucija and RitaB: Do the exercises from pages FOURTEEN AND FIFTEEN (about the family and friends) Ask if you don't understand!
Liucija, RitaB and Janina Do the exercises on the page SIXTEEN (English adjectives)
A. - Make color words from letters - padarykite spavų žodžius iš raidžių
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

B. - Write an opposite adjective - parašykite priešingą būdvardį
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

C. - Write wrong or correct for each sentence - parašykite klaidinga ar teisinga kiekvienam sakiniui
terrible [teribl] - baisus, siaubingas
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

D- Find a correct word for each sentence - raskite teisingą žodį kiekvienam sakiniui
good - looking [gu:d lu:king] - gerai atrodantis
DĖMESIO: Spoileris! [ Spustelėkite, kad išplėsti ]

Open NEF Workbook Audio CD in your CD and listen to the audio 06 Track 06 Repeat! You can translate it to Lithuanian.

Open your Interactive CD. Go to VOCABULARY and do the exercise PEOPLE AND FAMILY

Learn to talk about your holiday. You can answer these questions:
1. Are you on holiday? Is your holiday in July [džiulai] or in August [o:gast]
2. Is your holiday short? (one-two weeks?) Is your holiday long? (one or two months!?)
a week [ui:k] - savaitė; a month [manth] - mėnuo
3. Is your holiday with your family? Do you meet with your old friends on your holiday?
4. Is your holiday at home?
5. Do you go to new places on your holiday? Do you visit old places you like very much? Do you visit big cities? Do you visit small towns?
6. Do you go to a hotel on your holiday? Is it a cheap or an expensive hotel? Do you have a reservation?
7. Are you happy about your holiday? Can you rate it from 1 to 10? ( One is very bad and Ten is fantastic! :lol: )
about [ebaut] - apie ; to rate [reit] - įvertinti balais, reitinguoti

Good luck! :)

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
Paskutinis taisymas: prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. nuo Jurate.
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2261 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
1. My pen is blue.
2. Jamie's mobile is red.
3. Your glasses are green.
4. Zoe's bag is white.
5. My father's umbrella is black.
6. Their car is yellow.
7. Her coat is orange.
8. His watch is brown.

1. Their house isn't big. It's small.
2. His mobile isn't old. It's new.
3. My girlfriend isn't short. She's tall.
4. That book isn't very good. It's very bad.
5. Harvery's laptop isn't cheep. It's expensive.
6. Their car isn't slow. It's fast.
7. My coat isn't short. It's long.

1. It's a big bag.
2. She's a beautiful woman.
3. It's an cheep umbrella.
4. They're terrible boys.
5. It's an orange mobile.
6. She's a good mother.
7. Oscar's a nice person.
8. The windows are old.

1. Your umbrella is fantastic!
2. Have a nice day!
3. Her boyfriend is very good-looking.
4. My brother is very bad.
5. Leo's wife is bad. = :lol:
6. This film is very good.
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2268 nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
Very good job, Janina, but there is one funny mistake :lol: Leo's wife isn't bad , she is very good-looking. Can you find another word with letter B for 'good-looking' ?
funny [fani] - juokingas; another [enade] - kitas

Please, play GAMES! Let's practice English online together! :)
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prieš 9 m. 8 mėn. #2275 nuo Janina
Janina replied the topic: Librarians! Summer classes homework for you!
I think, this mistake is very very funny. I can find another word with letter B.
5. Leo's wife is beautiful.

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