Here is your homework from the class about the family and English adjectives [e:džektivz]:
ŠTai Jūsų namų darbai iš pamokos apie šeimą ir angliškus būdvardžius
Learn new English words from pages 105-106 in your Student Book Vocabulary
Do the exercises from your WorkBook
Liucija and RitaB: Do the exercises from pages FOURTEEN AND FIFTEEN (about the family and friends)
Ask if you don't understand!
Liucija, RitaB and Janina Do the exercises on the page SIXTEEN (English adjectives)
A. - Make color words from letters - padarykite spavų žodžius iš raidžių
B. - Write an opposite adjective - parašykite priešingą būdvardį
C. - Write wrong or correct for each sentence - parašykite klaidinga ar teisinga kiekvienam sakiniui
terrible [teribl] - baisus, siaubingas
D- Find a correct word for each sentence - raskite teisingą žodį kiekvienam sakiniui
good - looking [gu:d lu:king] - gerai atrodantis
NEF Workbook Audio CD in your CD and listen to the audio
06 Track 06 Repeat! You can translate it to Lithuanian.
Open your
Interactive CD. Go to VOCABULARY and do the exercise PEOPLE AND FAMILY
Learn to talk about your holiday. You can answer these questions:
1. Are you on holiday? Is your holiday in July [džiulai] or in August [o:gast]
2. Is your holiday short? (one-two weeks?) Is your holiday long? (one or two months!?)
a week [ui:k] - savaitė; a month [manth] - mėnuo
3. Is your holiday with your family? Do you meet with your old friends on your holiday?
4. Is your holiday at home?
5. Do you go to new places on your holiday? Do you visit old places you like very much? Do you visit big cities? Do you visit small towns?
6. Do you go to a hotel on your holiday? Is it a cheap or an expensive hotel? Do you have a reservation?
7. Are you happy about your holiday? Can you rate it from 1 to 10? ( One is very bad and Ten is fantastic!

about [ebaut] - apie ; to rate [reit] - įvertinti balais, reitinguoti
Good luck!