prieš 10 m. 1 mėn. - prieš 10 m. 1 mėn.#348nuo Jurate
Jurate created the topic: This or That? Choose!
This Or That? Choose, please!
Šitas Ar Anas? Pasirink!
Let's play the game where you have to choose things, people, countries, cities and so on...
[let's plei the geim whea ju he:v tiu chu:z] Pažaiskime žaidimą, kur jūs turite pasirinkti daiktus, žmones, šalis, miestus ir taip toliau...
This game is to help you to remember English words. Always try to use new words, the words you learn!
Šis žaidimas yra skirtas Jums padėti atsiminti angliškus žodžius. Visada bandykite naudoti naujus žodžius, žodžius, kuriuos jūs mokotės!
EXAMPLE: (One player writes:)
A Library or A Cinema?
(The next player chooses:)
A Library (... and continues:)
Italy or Spain? (The other player continues too: )
Bored or Tired?
Poplyn replied the topic: Ats: This or That? Choose!
Jurate, I prepare to be not famous, but and no rich
I think is good to be rich of love, good mood, friends, flowers, good weather, blue sky and yellow sun, not of money or other not good things
prieš 10 m. 2 sav. - prieš 10 m. 2 sav.#457nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: This or That? Choose!
Poplyn parašė: Jurate, I prepare to be not famous, but and no rich =I prefer(?) to be neither famous nor rich. 'neither ... nor' = nei... nei...
I think it is good to be rich of (= in) love, good mood, friends, flowers, good weather, blue sky and yellow sun, not of [=in] money or other not good things