Poplyn replied the topic: Ats: Can You Predict The Future?
Jūrate, even it will not snow thru Christmas I know it will be the finest holydays in this year, because Christmas time is the time of Miracles... So I predict that we all will meet in our English class next Year
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Can You Predict The Future?
So, guys, our predictions for Christmas appear [apiear - pasirodo] to be wrong! We had snow for Christmas!
Taigi, draugai, mūsų pranašystės Kalėdoms pasirodo buvo neteisingos! Mes turėjome sniego Kalėdoms!
Everyone gets ZERO points:
Kiekvienas gauna 0 taškų:
Me, Jurate - 0
Lija - 0
Arunas - 0
Poplyn - 0
Poplyn, You were so close! Tu buvai taip arti! Why did you write: "IF"? Kodėl parašei "Jeigu"? It is not a predicition, I can't give you one point
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Can You Predict The Future?
Oooh! Thank you, Lija! It is a very interesting prediction! I'm curious about the Lithuanian Eurovision contest too! (Eurovision contest [Jurovižn kontest] - konkursas)
But it looks like Monika Linkytė isn't on the list (
prieš 9 m. 11 mėn. - prieš 9 m. 11 mėn.#395nuo Jurate
Jurate replied the topic: Ats: Can You Predict The Future?
Lija parašė: Who, however, will win?! (Kas vis tik laimės?)
A Very correct English question!
Vaidas Baumila,
Jurgis Brūzga,
Edgaras Lubys,
Monika Linkytė
Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia
Jonas Nainys wife and TV show presenter ([prezente] - vedėja) Simona Nainė likes Monika Linkytė
I prefer Vaidas Baumila. He is my winner (wine - nugalėtojas)